Cloud-Based Sensitive Data Discovery Trial


With the Sensitive Data Discovery tool, you can try out the Commvault Content Analyzer to identify personally identifiable entities and other sensitive information within the content of a document. The types of entities that you can discover in your content include phone numbers, Social Security numbers, email addresses, and new entities are added with each feature release. For more information about the growing list of supported entities, see Personally Identifiable Information.

About the Sensitive Data Discovery Report

The following is an example of the Sensitive Data Discovery report:

Cloud-Based Sensitive Data Discovery (1)

The report contains the following information about your files:

Type of Information



File metadata

Information about the files.

  • File name

  • File path

  • Owner information

  • File size

  • Modified time

Sensitive entities

Information about the types of sensitive entities, or personally identifiable information (PII) found in the file or set of files. For example, social security numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses and more.

For a list of the types of entities, see PII Entity Types.

  • Type of entity

  • Number of each entity type discovered in the set

  • Number of each entity found in a document


The report contains several graphs and other interactive tools to analyze and examine your data.

  • Number of files by sensitivity levels

  • Owners with sensitive files

Before You Begin

  • You must have a user account on the Cloud Services Portal. To create a user account, register your CommServe computer. If you already have a user account, you still might need to register your CommServe computer. For instructions, see Register Your Product.

  • This tool is for testing purposes only. Do not upload any documents that contain personally identifiable information of a real person. Instead, use placeholder data that has the same format and syntax as the types of entities that you expect to discover (such as “555-555-5555,” “,” or “123-45-6789”).

  • Individual files must be less than 50 MB. If you want to upload a compressed set of files, ensure that each individual file in the set is less than 50 MB in size. We also recommend that the total size of your compressed set of files is less than 1 GB.


Upload Files to the Sensitive Data Discovery Tool

  1. Log in to the Cloud Services Web site.

  2. Click Cloud Applications > Sensitive Data Discovery.

  3. In Company, enter your company name.

  4. Click Browse, and then select the file or ZIP file that you want to upload.


    Individual files must be less than 50 MB. ZIP files should be less than 1 GB and cannot contain any files that are more than 50 MB.

  5. Click Submit.

    A progress bar appears. Do not close your browser until the upload is complete.


    After your data is uploaded, you will receive a confirmation email. The confirmation email contains a token number that is unique to your request. When your request has been processed, you will receive another email.

Viewing the Sensitive Data Discovery Report

  1. When you receive an email that states your report is ready, click the link to the report.

  2. If prompted, log in to the Cloud Services Web site with the credentials used to upload your files.

    The Sensitive Data Discovery report appears.

  3. Interact with the report to get information about the sensitive entities or personally identifiable information (PII) in your files.