Committing a Backup Job Using the Kill Option


Administrators can use the Kill option to commit a backup job for a subclient that protects the data on the client computer. You can browse and restore backup data that is committed without waiting for other files or folders in the job to complete. The remaining uncommitted data is backed up when you perform an incremental backup. Files marked as Failed for the original backup job are included in the incremental backup job.

To automatically terminate and commit a backup job, set the total running time for an individual backup job or use schedule policies for the File System Agent backup jobs. For more information, see Setting the Total Running Time for Jobs.

Starting Service Pack 16, you can commit system state data during backup operations that include the system state of the client computer.

The following types of backup jobs are not committed when they are terminated: synthetic full backups, IntelliSnap backups, backup copy, or catalog snapshot jobs.

To perform a synthetic full backup on a subclient that includes the system state of the client computer, the most recent backup job in the backup cycle must have completed successfully (not committed).


  1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Home tab, click Job Controller.

    The Job Controller window is displayed.

  2. Right-click a backup job and click Kill.

  3. To complete the commit request, click Yes.


Allow the backup job to complete after the Kill request. Do not kill the job if it restarts, because a second Kill request interrupts the archive indexing process and causes any committed backup data to be discarded.

Considerations for System State Backups

For system state backups, review the following considerations:

  • System state data is backed up after the non-system state data is backed up. If the commit operation occurs when the system state data is being backed up, entire system state data is backed up in the subsequent backup job. Partial commit of system state data is not supported.

  • When you restore system state from a committed job (for Online System State Restore, 1-Touch, or Virtualize Me), both system state system state data as well as non-system state data are restored from the most recent successful system state backup. However, if you are restoring only the non-system state data from a committed job, then the committed data from the backup job is restored.


When a Kill request is processed and the backup job is eligible, the following actions occur:

  • Backups of files and folders that have completed successfully are retained, and the current index for the job is archived so that backed up files or folders can be browsed for restore operations.

  • All files and folders that were successfully backed up are marked as Completed in the Job Details window for the job.

  • All files and folders for which backups were pending or in progress are marked as Failed, so that those files or folders can be protected when a subsequent incremental job is run.

  • On the Backup History window, the job status is Committed.