When you navigate to the Laptops page, based on your Commvault role, you can view all of the desktop and laptop computers you own. Additionally, to download a laptop package on your computer and to register the computer so that you can manage the computer from the Command Center, click the Add laptop link on the top right corner of the Laptops page.
Laptop Page View
Based on whether or not you own laptop or desktop clients in the Commvault software, you may see the All list on the top right corner of the Laptops screen. The All list on the top right corner of the Laptops page is visible only under the following scenarios:
You are an administrator who owns laptops in the CommCell environment.
You are an end user who owns or is associated to one or more laptops.
To view only the laptops that you own, from the All list select Owned.
Role |
Views |
Administrator |
End user |
Irrespective of your role, you can manage and monitor backup and restore operations for each of your computers that you see on the Laptops page.
Configure the backup content, set backup schedules, and monitor backup jobs
Browse and restore files, preview the files to be restored, and monitor restore jobs
Download and upload files
Refine search results, track the location of your computer, and more
By default, the data belongs to the default subclient of your client computer. To view the data from non-default subclients, contact your administrator.