Configuring a PostgreSQL Server Instance That Is Hosted in the Amazon RDS Cloud

To configure a PostgreSQL server instance that is hosted in the Amazon RDS cloud, create an EC2 instance in the Amazon cloud to function as the proxy client computer, add the proxy client computer in the CommCell Console, create a virtualization client to function as the pseudoclient, and then add the PostgreSQL server instance to the pseudoclient.

The EC2 instance must have access to the AWS service endpoints. The EC2 instance that is acting as a proxy must have communication with the RDS instances that will be backed up. To ensure this connectivity, the security group rule for RDS instance must be added. This allows connection from the proxy on the port where the RDS instance is running. The default port for PostgreSQL is 5432.

Step 1: Configure a Proxy Client Computer

  1. Create an EC2 instance in the Amazon cloud to function as the proxy client computer.

    The instance can be a Linux client computer or a Windows client computer.

    For instructions, see Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Documentation.

  2. Add the proxy client computer in the CommCell Console.

  3. To enable the CommServe host, the MediaAgent, and the proxy client computer to communicate with each other, establish the connections.

  4. Install the PostgreSQL Agent software on the proxy client computer.

    The software also installs the PostgreSQL database application versions 9.6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 on the proxy client computer.


    The PostgreSQL version 15.x support is added with Commvault V11 Service Pack 32 and Hot Fix Pack 16 (or a more recent version).

    The database application must be of the same major version as the PostgreSQL server instance in the cloud and does not need to be in a running state.

    Installation path for PostgreSQL binaries for Linux is software_installation_directory/CVCloudAddOns/PostgreSQL/postgres_version, and for Windows is software_installation_directory\CVCloudAddOns\PostgreSQL\postgres_version.

Step 2: Configure the Pseudoclient

  1. Install the Virtual Server package on a Windows client computer or a Linux client computer.

    For instructions, see Client Installations.


    If you configure a Linux client computer, the Mono package is required on the client computer.

    For SP17 and more recent service packs, after you install the Virtual Server Agent on a Linux machine and start services, the software checks to see whether Mono is installed and, if necessary, installs the required version of the Mono package. You do not need to install the Mono package manually.

  2. Create a virtualization client to function as the pseudoclient.

    Add the client computer that you installed the Virtual Server package on as the proxy server.

    For instructions, see Creating an Amazon RDS Pseudo-Client.

  3. Add the PostgreSQL Agent to the pseudoclient.

    When adding the agent, select the proxy client computer in the Cloud Configuration tab.

    For instructions, see Adding the PostgreSQL Database Agent to the Pseudoclient.

    You can configure the PostgreSQL database version of the pseudoclient.

Step 3: Configure PostgreSQL Server on the Pseudoclient


The supported TLS versions to create Amazon SSL encrypted PostgreSQL instances are TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2.

  1. Add a PostgreSQL server instance to the pseudoclient.

  2. To include a subset of the databases in the backup, then create a subclient for the data.

Step 4: Run the First Backup Operation and the First Restore Operation

  1. Perform a backup operation.

    For instructions, see Performing Backup of a PostgreSQL Database.

  2. Perform a restore operation.

    For instructions, see PostgreSQL Instance Restore Operations.
