Creating a Continuous Schedule for Schedule Policies

You can add a schedule to a schedule policy that will run jobs continuously with a defined time interval between the job sessions. The next job session of a continuous schedule policy starts automatically after the previous job completes.

You can also create a continuous schedule that is not part of a schedule policy. For information about configuring a schedule, see Creating a Continuous Backup Schedule.

Before You Begin

Create a schedule policy.


  1. Open your schedule policy:

    1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Policies > Schedule Policies.

    2. From the Schedule Policies pane on the right, right-click the schedule_policy and click Edit.

  2. Under Tasks, click Add.

    The schedule_policy_type Options dialog appears.

  3. On the Schedule Pattern tab, type a name in the Schedule Name box, and then click Continuous.

  4. Under Job Interval, in the Interval Between Two Jobs box, enter the time interval (in minutes) to start the next job session after the previous job session completes.

    The default time interval is 30 minutes.


    At the end of a job session, an additional five minutes elapse, before the selected job interval starts.

  5. Click OK.


You can track the progress of a job with the assigned schedule policy in the Job Controller window.


The continuous schedule does not appear on the Home > Scheduler tab.

What to Do Next

If you want to view the jobs that are associated with this schedule policy, see Viewing Jobs Associated with a Schedule Policy.
