Customizing the Answer File of a Windows Custom Package

If, during the custom package creation, you chose to create an answer file (install.xml) containing the options that were selected during the package creation, you can customize the answer file with the installation parameters that your environment requires.


There are two answer files (install.xml), as follows:

  • The install.xml file that you should customize is included in the custom package itself. For example, if you have a Windows x64 computer and the name of the package is CustomPackageName, then the install.xml file is located within the self-extracting executable (.exe) in the CustomPackageName\CustomPackageName_WinX64 folder.

  • There is another separate install.xml file that is located within that same folder. This file is intended to be used as a backup.


  1. Go to the location where you stored the custom package and then find the install.xml answer file.

  2. Determine whether you want to update the install.xml file or create a separate answer file.

    You can make changes directly to the install.xml file. However, if you want to keep its original contents, consider the following recommendations:

    • If you have minor changes, make a copy of the .xml file and then rename the file.

    • If you have major changes, download the sample_install_win.xml template answer file to the computer where you plan to run the installation and then rename the file.

  3. Open the .xml file and then update the required parameters.

The following table describes the parameters that you can modify in the answer file. The required parameters have a Required tag in the description. Other parameters are optional.


Blank parameter values are assigned default values during the installation.

Parameter Name



Required. Instance number on which the software will be installed in a multi-instance environment.

  • If you want to set the instance number manually, use the InstanceXXX format.

    For example, if the computer has no Commvault software installed, set the parameter to Instance001.

  • If you want the installation program to set the instance number automatically, set the parameter to New.

    For example, if the computer already has Instance001 of the software, the installation program installs the new software on Instance002.


    For a multi-instance environment, set the allowMultipleInstances parameter under installFlags (see below) to "1".




The ID of the storage policy that you want to assign to the default subclient.


The name of the storage policy that you want to assign to the default subclient of your client.



Provide either one, or both, of the following:


Subclient plan name to use.


Subclient plan ID to use.



Domain name of the CommServe computer.


Encrypted password that is generated during custom package creation.


Username for the CommServe computer.



The name of the client group to which you want to associate the client.

Multiple client group names can be provided by adding the following code to the sample_install_win.xml template answer file:

<clientGroups clientGroupName=""/>


The name of the client computer where the software will be installed. For example, client1.


TCP port number for the Communications Service (CVD).

Default: 8400


The host name of the computer where the software will be installed. For example,


The directory path where you want to install the Commvault software.

Default: C:\Program Files\CommVault\ContentStore



If configuring the client for laptop backup, set value to 1.


If configuring the client as network proxy, set value to 1.



The name of the CommServe computer as it appears in the CommCell Console.

If you are running a decoupled installation, do not specify a value for this parameter.


The hostname of the CommServe computer (fully qualified domain name or IP address). For example,

If you are running a decoupled installation, do not specify a value for this parameter.


The componentInfo element specifies the agent to be installed. Multiple instances of this element means that multiple agents will be installed.

If you downloaded the template answer file, copy the contents of the components element of the install.xml to your new answer file, and remove the componentInfo elements of the agents that you do not want to install.



Specifies whether to enable or disable firewall settings.

  • 0

    Disables firewall

  • 1

    Enables firewall (default)


The hostname or IP address of the proxy computer through which the CommServe computer can be reached. Use this parameter if you set value to 2 for the firewallConnectionType parameter. If the proxy is behind a port-forwarding gateway, specify the host name or the IP address of the port-forwarding gateway.


HTTP or HTTPS tunnel port number on which the proxy expects connections.


If there an HTTP proxy between the client and the CommServe computer, one of the following configuration types should be specified:

  • For Explicit proxy settings, set value to 1

  • To use HTTP proxy settings from user profile, set value to 2

  • To auto-detect proxy settings via WPAD, set value to 3


If httpProxyConfigurationType is 1, the host name or IP address of the proxy computer through which the CommServe computer can be reached is required.


If httpProxyConfigurationType is 1, the port number of the proxy machine is required (HTTP or HTTPS tunnel port number on which the proxy expects connections).


The port number varies based on the type of firewall configuration that you specified in the firewallConnectionType parameter, as follows:

  • If you set value to 0, provide the CommServe computer's HTTP/HTTPs tunnel port number.

  • If you set value to 1, provide the local HTTP/HTTPS tunnel port number.

  • If you set value to 2, provide the proxy HTTP/HTTPS tunnel port number.


The name of the proxy computer that is used to reach the CommServe computer. Use this parameter if you specified 2 for the firewallConnectionType parameter.


The host name or IP address of the proxy computer through which the CommServe computer can be reached. Use this parameter if you specified 2 for the firewallConnectionType parameter.

If the proxy is behind a port-forwarding gateway, specify the host name or the IP address of the port-forwarding gateway.



Set value to 1 if this is a multi-instance environment.


Set value to 1 to clean up any existing instance before the installation.


Specifies whether to register the client to the CommServe computer.

  • 0

    Register with CommServe computer.

  • 1

    Do not register with CommServe computer.


Installs 32-bit instead of default 64-bit packages (Linux_x86_64 and Windows X64 only).

  • 0

    Disable 32-bit installations.

  • 1

    Enable 32-bit installations.


Set value to 1 to launch Command Center after installation completes.


Launches RegisterMe.exe for de-coupled mode install.


Set value to 1 to launch Roles Manager after the installation completes.


If the computer where you want to install the software is already a client in your CommCell, overrides the computer name or host name.

  • 0

    Add the computer as a new client in the CommCell. (Default)

  • 1

    Override the details of an existing client.


Sets the preferred IP family value during installation, as follows:

  • 0


  • 1 (default)


  • 2



Set this flag if it is a repair operation.


Required. Specifies whether to install agents in restore-only mode (license is not consumed). Use this parameter if you plan to use the computer only as a destination for restoring backup data.

  • 0

    Perform a traditional agent installation to allow backups and restores.

  • 1

    Install agents in restore-only mode.


Provides the list of packages IDs for the agents to be installed using Roles Manager (if launchRolesManager parameter value is set to 1).

(Usage: selectedRoles="713,51”)


Set value to 1 to skip the creation of the laptop backup monitor shortcut.


Set value to 1 to skip the creation of Migration Assistant shortcut.


Set value to 1 to skip the creation of Process Manager shortcut.


Specifies whether to stop the Oracle services during the Oracle Agent installation.

  • 0

    Do not stop the services. (Default)

  • 1

    Stop the services.


Set value to 1 to use existing DB dumps.

If the value is set to 1, the following tags should be specified:

  • For CommServe DB:

    • Specify the DB dump path: /CVInstallManager_ClientSetup/clientComposition/components/commserve/csdbInfo/@CommservDBdumpPath

    • Set the following to 1: /CVInstallManager_ClientSetup/clientComposition/components/commserve/csdbInfo/@useDBDump

  • For CVCloud – /components/ diagnosticsAndUsageServer:

    • <diagnosticsAndUsageServer dumpFilePath="C:\DR\SET_026\CVCloud_win-qoilmgi0co2_2020_06_26_10_00_FULL.dmp" useDBDump="1" />

      dumpFilePath: Specify the CVCloud DB dump path

      useDBDump: Set this to 1

  • For DM2 – /components/dm2WebService:

    • <dm2WebService dumpFilePath="C:\DR\SET_279\DM2_groot_2020_02_07_10_00_FULL.dmp" useDBDump="1">

      dumpFilePath: Specify the DM2 DB dump path

      useDBDump: Set this to 1

  • For WFEngine – /components/WFEngine:

    • <workflowEngine dumpFilePath="C:\DR\SET_279\WFEngine_groot_2020_02_07_10_00_FULL.dmp" useDBDump="1"/>

      dumpFilePath: Specify the WFEngine DB dump path

      useDBDump: Set this to 1



The directory path where you want to store the job result files.

Default: C:\Program Files\CommVault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults.



A company authcode is required if you plan to mass distribute or run a silent installation of the installation package for end users. You can generate the authcode for a company from the Command Center.
