Customizing Completed with Errors Condition Overview


During a backup operation, some data may fail to be backed up due to multiple circumstances, such as the data being not accessible. This causes the backup operation to complete with errors or fail.

Error rules provide the ability to control and update the status of a backup job. You can make a job complete successfully by defining rules to ignore commonly occurring errors during the backup process. Similarly, if you want to closely monitor certain errors, you can fail the job or make it finish with the "Completed with Errors" status.

Error rules can be created for an agent at the client, client group and CommCell level. Rules defined at the client level have the highest priority, followed by the client group and CommCell levels.

The following rules can be defined:

  • Error Decision Rules

    These rules are useful if you want to monitor the error codes occurring during backup based on the file path pattern of the data. For example, you can create a rule to ignore any error found in temporary files.

    You can define multiple decision rules for each agent.

  • Error Threshold Rules

    These rules are useful if you want to control the amount of files that failed to back up. For example, you can create a rule to mark the job as failed when 10 or more files failed to back up.

    You can define up to two threshold rules for each agent.

This feature is supported by the following agents:

  • Windows File System

  • Unix File System

  • Amazon S3

  • Azure Blob Storage

  • SharePoint Server

  • SQL Server