Exporting the Metadata from the Source CommCell Environment


To perform CommCell migration, you must first export the metadata from the source CommCell environment. Specify the location that you want to export the metadata to, and then select the client computers and configurations that you want to export.

To migrate a client computer that has the Virtual Server Agent installed, see CommCell Migration for Clients with Virtual Server Agent. To migrate a CommServe client computer, see Migrating a CommServe Client.

Before You Begin


  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the source_commserve_environment, and then click All Tasks > CommCell Migration > Export To Folder.

    The Export Options dialog box appears.

  2. Select one of the following export location options:

    • Use Local: Select this option to export the metadata to a local path.

    • Use Network: Select this option to export the metadata to a network location.

      1. Click User Name/Password.

        The Change User Account dialog box appears.

      2. Select the Use This Account check box, and then enter the following information:

      3. User Name: Enter the user name to access the network location.

      4. Password and Confirm Password: Enter the password for the user name.

      5. Click OK.

        The user name appears in the Impersonate User box.

    • Use Other CommServe: Select this option to export the metadata to a remote CommCell environment.

      1. Click Host Details.

        The CommCell Login dialog box appears.

      2. From the Select CommCell list, select a CommCell environment that is already registered, or click Next to register a new CommCell environment.

        If you click Next, the Register Remote CommCell dialog box appears.

      3. If you clicked Next, then enter the following information in the Register Remote CommCell dialog box:

      4. User Name: Enter the user name to access the remote CommCell environment.

      5. Password: Enter the password for the user name.

      6. CommCell Host Name: Enter the fully qualified domain name of the remote CommCell environment that you want to use as a host.

      7. Select CommServe client located across a firewall: Select this check box if a firewall is configured between the source CommCell environment and the remote CommCell environment, and then select the pseudoclient from the list.

      8. Access database on remote machine: Select this option if a firewall is configured between the remote CommCell environment and the CommCell environment that hosts the Private Metrics Reporting Server.

      9. Port Number: Enter a port number that is not already used. Do not use ports 8400, 8401, 8402, and 8403.

      10. Click OK.

        The remote CommServe computer appears in the Write files to CommServe box.

  3. In Export Folder box, enter the path of the location to export the metadata to, or browse and select the location.

    If you selected the Use Other CommServe option in step 2, then you must select Software_Installation_Directory\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults folder as the location.

  4. To export the metadata from a remote CommServe database, select the Export From Other SQL Instance check box, and then complete the following steps:

    1. Click SQL Server Details.

      The SQL Server Login dialog box appears.

    2. Enter the following information:

      • SQL Server Name: Enter the name of the SQL server.

      • User Name: Enter the user name to access the SQL server.

      • Password: Enter the password for the user name.

    3. Click OK.

      The CommServe database in the SQL server appears in the Export entities from list.

    4. From the Export entities from list, select the database from which you want to export the entities.

  5. To exclude MediaAgents that are present in the client computers from the export, under Select Associations, select Do not export MediaAgents.

    If you plan to permanently migrate client computers, then do not select the Do not export MediaAgents option.

  6. To automatically export the physical nodes and the virtual nodes of a Windows source cluster or a Linux source cluster that belongs to the selected client computers, under Select Associations, select Automatically Select Complete Cluster.

  7. Under Select Associations, select the client computers, the client computer groups, and the configurations that you want to export.

    To permanently migrate a client computer, select the client computer that includes all the components that are available on the client computer.

  8. To configure export options, click Advanced, configure the export options, and then click OK.

    For information about configuring the export options, see Select Export Options (Export Options).

  9. On the Job Initiation page, specify whether to run the export job immediately or on a schedule.

  10. Click OK.

    You can track the progress of the job from the Job Controller window of the CommCell Console.

What to Do Next

Import the metadata to the destination CommCell environment.

For instructions, see Importing Metadata to the Destination CommCell Environment.