Hardware Specifications for the ContentStore Mail Server (SMTP)


For the best performance, consider these recommendations when you prepare your ContentStore Mail Server (SMTP).

Install the Exchange Mailbox Agent on the ContentStore Mail Server (SMTP) on the same client.

These hardware guidelines are based on the number of messages that are sent or received per day on your ContentStore Mail Server (SMTP) access node.


  • For high availability, configure at least two access nodes.

  • Use an access node for every 600,000 messages received per day.

Access Node Size Without Content Indexing

If you do not use content indexing, base the size of your access nodes on these guidelines.

Number of messages received per day on each access node*

Up to 50,000

50,000 to 300,000

300,000 to 600,000

CPU or vCPU, and RAM

CPU or vCPU: 4 cores


CPU or vCPU: 8 cores

RAM: 16 GB

CPU or vCPU: 12 cores

RAM: 24 GB

ContentStore Mailbox cache disk size**

100 GB

500 GB

1 TB

ContentStore Mailbox disk IOPS

Minimum: 200 IOPS

Minimum: 300 IOPS

Minimum: 600 IOPS

Streams per access node




* Based on an average message size of 100 KB.

** The cache should have enough space to hold two-week's worth of messages in case the backup infrastructure becomes unavailable. Calculate this space based on the amount of email that you expect to be received on the Exchange server.

Access Node Size with Content Indexing

If you use content indexing, base the size of your access nodes on these guidelines.

Number of messages received per day on each access node*

Up to 50,000

50,000 to 300,000

300,000 to 600,000

CPU or vCPU, and RAM

CPU or vCPU: 8 cores

RAM: 16 GB

CPU or vCPU: 12 cores

RAM: 24 GB

CPU or vCPU: 16 cores

RAM: 32 GB

ContentStore Mailbox cache disk size**

100 GB

500 GB

1 TB

ContentStore Mailbox disk IOPS

Minimum: 200 IOPS

Minimum: 300 IOPS

Minimum: 600 IOPS

Streams per access node




* Based on an average message size of 100 KB.

** The cache should have enough space to hold two-week's worth of messages in case the backup infrastructure becomes unavailable. Calculate this space based on the amount of email that you expect to be received on the Exchange server.