Internet Access for Offline CommServe Computers


If the CommServe computer cannot connect to the Internet, you can use an Internet gateway computer or an HTTP proxy server.

Internet Gateway Computers

You can use a client computer or the Metrics Reporting Server as an Internet gateway. The Internet gateway is used by several Commvault features to send and receive files:

  • Download Commvault software updates

  • Upload Cloud Metrics Reporting data

  • Download data collection scripts for Private Metrics Reporting

  • Access Commvault Store

  • Send log files

When you download Commvault software updates, the Internet gateway computer downloads the software locally, and then transfers the software to the CommServe cache. The software files are removed from the Internet gateway computer after the transfer. The Internet gateway computer downloads software from the FTP site using direct connections. HTTP proxy connections are currently not supported.

You can also configure the Metrics Server as an Internet Gateway if you want to use the Cloud Metrics Reporting Server as the top server in a tiered architecture for Metrics Reporting. For more information see Tiered Metrics Reporting.

HTTP Proxy Servers

You can configure all clients in your CommCell environment to access Internet resources through an HTTP proxy server. When configured, all Commvault processes can use the HTTP proxy to establish incoming and outgoing communications with any resource on the Internet.

The following are common scenarios where you can configure an HTTP proxy server:

  • CommServe computer with Internet connectivity restrictions to download software from the Commvault FTP site.

    You can configure an HTTP proxy to connect to the FTP site. During the software download, the HTTP proxy retrieves the software from the FTP site, and then transfers the software to the CommServe cache.

  • Clients configured to back up their content in a cloud storage.

  • Virtualization clients running backups or restores through VSA proxies that reside in a cloud or private network.

  • Send log files.