Local Installation Using the Installation Package on UNIX Client


You can configure two-way connectivity between the CommServe computer and the client during a local installation of the Commvault software on a UNIX client using the CommCell Console.


  1. On the Server Information page of the installation wizard, enter the CommServe hostname port using one of the following formats.

    • Hostname (use this format if the tunnel port of the CommServe computer is 8403)

    • Hostname:Port_Number (use this format if the tunnel port of the CommServe computer is anything other than 8403)


      If you want to enter the port as an IPv6 address, use the following format: [2001:db8::216:cbff:xx:xx]:8080

  2. On the Deciding If to Configure HTTP Proxy page, if the client is separated from the CommServe computer by an HTTP proxy, select Yes, and then click Next. Otherwise, select No and continue with the client installation.

    After you accept to configure HTTP proxy, on the Setting HTTP Proxy Configuration page, complete the following steps:

    1. In the HTTP Proxy Configuration Host Name or IP address option, specify the host name or IP address of the HTTP proxy.

    2. In the HTTP Proxy Configuration Port Number option, specify the port number of the HTTP proxy.

    3. Click Next.

  3. Continue with the client installation.