Modifying the Access Information


You can modify the access information for an existing cloud storage device. This option is useful to perform the following operations:

  • Change the credentials

  • Change the Bucket

  • Modify the Storage Class


When you modify the storage class, subsequent backups will be performed using the modified information. For example, if you change the Storage Class, the new backups will be written in the new Storage Class.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Storage Resources | Libraries | <Cloud Storage Library>.

  2. Right-click the Cloud Storage mount path and then click Properties.

  3. Click the Sharing tab.

  4. Highlight the MediaAgent for which you wish to modify the access information from the Controllers list, and then click the Edit button.



What You Need to Do

Convert a Disk library to a Cloud library

When you perform a local to cloud migration as described in the following pages:

Once the migration is complete you must provide the access information and storage related details specific to the Cloud Storage vendor.

For access information specific to the supported Cloud Storage vendors, See Add / Edit Cloud Storage (General).

Change the Cloud Storage vendor

When you perform a Cloud to Cloud migration, such as the following:

Once the migration is complete you must modify the access information and storage related details specific to the new vendor.

For access information specific to the supported Cloud Storage vendors, See Add / Edit Cloud Storage (General).

Convert a Cloud library to a local Disk library (Cloud to Local)

When you perform a cloud to local migration.

Perform the following steps before modifying the access Information:

  1. Obtain the data from the vendor.

  2. Copy the data to the destination disk library using the same mount path folder as the original cloud library.

    You can view the Bucket Name and the Mount Path Base Folder from the Mount Path Properties (General) dialog box in the CommCell Console.

  3. Mount the disk library on the MediaAgent as a local drive.

In the Service Host box, enter the drive letter or the mount point.

For example, E:\ in Windows or the MyDataDevice in UNIX/Linux.


Do not include the mount path base folder in the Service Host box. Also do not modify the other details.

What to Do Next

Perform a test backup and restore to make sure that the mount path is accessible.