Obtaining the Storage Account Name


Once the Air Gap Protect is configured, you can obtain the specific storage account name to add specific endpoints to be whitelisted on both the CommServe server and the MediaAgent. For more information, see Prerequisites For Air Gap Protect. (Replace the * in *.blob.core.windows.net with the storage account name.)


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries | <Library>.

  2. Right-click the mount path associated with the library, and click Properties.

    The Mount Path Properties dialog box appears.

  3. From the Sharing tab, select the MediaAgent associated with the mount path and then click Edit.

    The Edit Cloud Storage dialog box appears.

  4. The Storage Account option displays the account name associated with the mount path.

  5. If necessary, repeat the process in the other mount paths associated with Air Gap Protect.