
The following sections list the alert types available within the Operation category along with important details such as:

  • User permissions needed to use the alert

  • CommCell entities that can be associated with the alert

  • Criteria that trigger the alert

  • Available alert tokens

Event Viewer Events

Use this alert to monitor operations occurring in the CommCell.

Advanced search options are available for some of the criteria for this alert type. To set advanced options in the Advanced Criteria Options dialog box, click the ellipsis [...] button next to a criterion.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Advanced Criteria Options

Administrative Management or Alert Management

Client groups, clients



A CommCell event was marked with one of the following severities:

  • Critical

  • Major

  • Minor

  • Information

Not available

Job ID


The job ID associated with the CommCell event.

Regular Expression

For example, to search for multiple job IDs using regular expressions, type a pipe (|) between each ID: 12950|12899|12900



The CommCell program that generated the event. For example, Job Manager, CVD, or Media Manager.

  • Regular Expression

    For example, to search for multiple event codes using regular expressions, type a pipe (|) between each code: 19:1950|45:987|89:908

  • Case Sensitive

  • Match whole word



The name of the CommCell from where the event is generated.

Event Code


The event ID associated with the CommCell event. Use this criterion if a specific CommCell event shows an unexpected behavior.



A CommCell event with a specific description. For example, this alert can be triggered if the event description has the word "fail" in the description.



The language of the CommCell event. By default, it is English.

Not available

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

CommServe Failover

Use this alert to monitor CommServe failover events.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Administrative Management

Not available

Failover activity


A failover event occurred.

Failover completed


A failover operation completed successfully.

Failover failed


A failover operation failed to complete.

Failover started


A failover operation started.

Passive node is not reachable


One of the passive nodes in the failover cluster is not reachable.

Production CommServe is not reachable


The active, production CommServe host is not reachable.

Production CommServe is not running


The active, production CommServe host is not running.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.

Admin Alert

Use this alert to monitor CommServe administration events.

User Permissions

Associated Entities


Severity Level


Administrative Management

Client groups, clients

Access node is overloaded


Utilization of CPU, nemory, or disk is higher than the system-defined threshold. The Commvault software does the following:

  1. Marks the access node as overloaded.

  2. Automatically allocates subsequent backup jobs to other access nodes, if any are available.

  3. Marks existing jobs as pending or waiting, until utilization is below the threshold again.

Not available

Anomaly in events


The frequency or occurrence of the events does not match the system threshold.

Not available

Anomaly in number of failed jobs


The number of failed jobs is more than the system threshold.

Not available

Anomaly in number of pending jobs


The number of pending jobs is more than the system threshold.

Not available

Anomaly in number of succeeded jobs


The number of succeeded jobs is less than the system threshold.

Client groups, clients

Job activity anomaly


The number of created, deleted, or modified files in a backup job changes abruptly from the normal behavior or the total backed up root size increases or decreases short.

Client groups, clients

May miss SLA


The client computer may miss the SLA. The alert is triggered in the following cases:

  • There is no job scheduled before the SLA period.

  • A job that is scheduled or running is expected to run beyond the SLA period based on the job forecast time.

  • There is a history of failing jobs.

  • A job is running longer than usual time and is about to cross the SLA period.

  • Blackout window impacts a job that is scheduled or running, which further impacts the job and the SLA.

Client groups, clients

Missed SLA


The client computer missed the SLA. The alert is triggered in the following cases:

  • There is no job within SLA period.

  • A backup job is failed.

Client groups, clients, storage policies

Runtime anomaly in jobs


The runtime of the jobs is more than the system threshold.

To see the tokens available for this alert, see Alerts and Notifications - Tokens.
