Other Licenses View in the License Summary Report


The Other Licenses view of the License Summary Report displays the current number of available and used licenses that were purchased as part of an older licensing structure.

Other Licenses Current Usage Details Table

This table displays the amount of purchased and used licenses from an older licensing structure.



License ID

The ID associated with the license.


The license type. To view detailed information about a license, click the license. License types that appear in this table include the following:

Available Total

The amount of space or number of entities available for use.

Permanent Purchased

The amount of space or number of entities covered by a permanent license.

Evaluation Purchased

The amount of space or number of entities covered by an evaluation or subscription license.


The amount of space or number of entities currently used.

Agent and Feature Licenses Current Usage Details Table

This table lists the agent and feature licenses that were purchased from an older licensing structure.



License ID

The ID associated with the license.


The license type.

Permanent Total

The number of permanent licenses purchased.

Permanent Used

The number of permanent licenses that are currently used.

Evaluation Total

The number of evaluation licenses purchased.

Evaluation Used

The number of evaluation licenses that are currently used.

Client ID

The ID associated with the client computer.


The client computer.

Agent ID

The ID associated with the agent.


The agent type, such as SQL Server or Data Encryption.

Install Date

The date when the license was applied to the CommCell environment.