Replication Set - Overview



Replication Set represents a logical grouping of Replication Pairs. This allows you to configure certain properties and activities at the Replication Set level and thus control all the included Replication Pairs together.

Replication sets can be created in the following ways:

  • Manually, see Create a Replication Set for step-by-step instructions.

  • Using the Replication Set Creation Wizard. Create the Replication Set by right-clicking the ContinuousDataReplicator icon in the CommCell Browser and selecting Replication Set Creation Wizard.

  • From a Replication Policy. A Replication Policy provides a sample template for the Replication Set. See Replication Policy for more details. See Create a Replication set from a Replication Policy for instruction.


    The maximum number of replication sets configured on the same source client should not exceed 32.

Configurable Properties

The following are the properties which can be configured for a Replication Set.

Destination Host

Provides an option to Destination Host for all Replication Pairs within the Replication Set. Each Replication Set has one Destination Host. To replicate data to multiple hosts, you must create separate Replication Sets.


When using an ONTAP filer as the destination you must specify a Windows User Account who is a member of the local Administrators group on the destination. See Create a Replication Set, for more information.

Data Replication Type

The following data replication types are available:

  • Continuous Replication - See ContinuousDataReplicator for more information.

  • Scheduled Backup - for Unix, to create replication sets for CDR to replicate data in Remote Backup mode.

Pre-process and Post-process

You can specify commands to run either before a Recovery Point is created and/or after a Recovery Point is created. For general information about Pre-process commands and Post-process commands, see Pre-processes and Post-processes.

User Accounts
  • You can define an account for accessing the destination directory.

  • You can define an account with permissions to execute Pre/Post commands when creating Recovery Points.

See ContinuousDataReplicator in User Accounts and Passwords for more information.

Replication Options

You can:

  • Specify whether a mount point will automatically be created for the snapshots that comprise the latest Recovery Point each time one is created.

  • Specify the maximum number of Recovery Points to be maintained at any time.

  • Select the snap engine type for Recovery Point creation.

  • Automatic backups of the Recovery Point with an appropriate Storage Policy and Backup Set.

Data Transfer Options

A persistent connection is used as a data transfer mechanism across the network, to keep destination computer in sync with the defined content on the source computer. The following options for data transfer mechanisms are available:

Orphan Files

Orphan files are files that are available only in destination directory and not in the source directory. Several options are provided to handle the orphan files. For more information, see Orphan Files.


Filters allow you to specify files, folders, and patterns to be excluded from data replication activities, for all Replication Pairs in a Replication Set.

User Security

Configure User Security for the Replication Set, after it has been created. For more information, see User Administration and Security.

Advanced Options

Configure the advanced properties for Replication Set to modify the default values of the minimum file size and the block size for hashing. For step-by-step instructions, see Create a Replication Set.


The following are the operations which can be initiated for a Replication Set.

Manage Replication Pairs
  • You can create, delete, and edit Replication Pairs within the Replication Set.

  • Specify the single destination computer that all Replication Pairs in the Replication Set will use. Note that different Replication Pairs can be configured for different destination paths within that same destination computer, as long as the source path of each Replication Pair is different.

  • Manage the state of one or more Replication Pairs within the Set; start, suspend, resume, or abort data replication activities.

  • Allows you to transfer the modified/new files on the source computer to the destination computer along with the data missing on destination. For more information, see Optimize Sync.

For more information, see Replication Pair.

Change State

You can change the state of one or more Replication Pairs at once from the Replication Set level, see Change the state of Replication Pair for step-by-step instructions.

Suspend Data Transfer
Resume Data Transfer

You can resume the Replication Pairs within a Replication Sets that have the same destination. See Resume Data Replication Activity for a Replication Set for step-by-step instructions..

Manage Recovery Points
  • You can create a Recovery Point on-demand, or based on a schedule.

  • You can browse Recovery Points.

Out of Band Sync

It is possible to effect the initial transfer of data from a source to a destination without using the Baselining Phases. This can be useful when the connection between the source and the destination is constrained, such as a slow WAN connection. For step-by-step instructions to perform initial transfer of data, see Out Of Band Sync from the Replication Set.

Monitor Data Replication

You can monitor all details of on-going replication activities for Replication Set, are shown in the Data Replication Monitor in the CommCell Console. For more information, see Monitoring Data Replication.

Command Line Operations

The following command line options are available for repsets:

qcreate repset