Running a File System Content Indexing Job


Applies to: Windows File System Agent and UNIX File System Agent

This procedure describes the general steps for running a file system content indexing job.


  1. From the CommCell Console, expand Policies > File Policies

  2. Right-click the File Policy name and click Run Job.

    The Content Indexing Options dialog box appears.

  3. On the Job Initiation tab, define whether the job runs:

    • Immediately.

    • At a scheduled time.

  4. Optional: To select additional job options, click Advanced.

  5. Optional: To run your job options from a command line interface using a script file in XML format, click Save As Script.

  6. Click OK.

    If you chose to run the job immediately, the content indexing job starts now.

    If you chose to run the job according to a schedule, the content indexing job runs according to the schedule that you defined.

What To Do Next

You can search for specific files using the Compliance Search feature. For instructions, see Searching for Information in Email Messages.