Salesforce Objects Not Included in Backups

Because of Salesforce API restrictions, the following objects are not included in full and incremental backup operations. Also, objects that do not support query () or querymore() calls, or that have filters on the query are not included in backup operations. For information about the calls supported for each Salesforce object, go to SOAP API Developer Guide > Standard Objects on the Salesforce Developers website.

Standard Objects

  • AccountUserTerritory2View

  • ActivityHistory

  • ActivityMetric

  • ActivityMetricRollup

  • AggregateResult

  • AppTabMember

  • AttachedContentDocument

  • AttachedContentNote

  • CollaborationGroupRecord

  • ColorDefinition

  • CombinedAttachment

  • ContentFolderItem

  • ContentFolderMember

  • ContentHubItem

  • DatacloudAddress

  • DatacloudContact

  • DatacloudCompany

  • DatacloudDandBCompany

  • DatacloudSocialHandle

  • DataStatistics

  • DataType

  • DcSocialProfile

  • DcSocialProfileHandle

  • EmailStatus

  • EntityDefinition

  • EntityParticle

  • FeedLike

  • FeedTrackedChange

  • FieldDefinition

  • FlexQueueItem

  • FlowDefinitionView

  • FlowVariableView

  • FlowVersionView

  • FolderedContentDocument

  • IconDefinition

  • IdeaComment

  • ListViewChartInstance

  • LookedUpFromActivity

  • Name

  • NetworkUserHistoryRecent

  • NoteAndAttachment

  • OpenActivity

  • OutgoingEmail

  • OutgoingEmailRelation

  • OwnedContentDocument

  • OwnerChangeOptionInf

  • OwnerChangeOptionInfo

  • PicklistValueInfo

  • PlatformAction

  • ProcessInstanceHistory

  • QuoteTemplateRichTextData

  • RecordVisibility

  • RelationshipDomain

  • RelationshipInfo

  • SearchLayout

  • SiteDetail

  • UserEntityAccess

  • UserFieldAccess

  • UserRecordAccess

  • Vote

Big Objects

  • BigObjectCounter

  • BotAnalytics

  • ChatbotAnalytics

  • EngagementHistory

  • *Event

  • EventLogFile

  • EventRelation

  • EventBusSubscriber

  • EventTag

  • EventWhoRelation

  • FeedRead

  • FeedSentimentAnalysis

  • FeedSentimentFeedbacks

* - All the big objects that end with Event cannot be restored. For example, APIEvent, LoginEvent etc.

Salesforce Objects That Do Not Support Incremental Backups
