Setting up the HyperScale 1.5 Appliance


Choose a setup method based on your network topology:


Determine the CommServe setup needed in your environment. During the setup you can setup the CommServe using one of the following options:

  • Attach the nodes to an existing CommServe

  • Setup a primary CommServe in the nodes

  • Setup a standby disaster recovery (DR) CommServe in the nodes

If you are setting up the appliance ...

Refer to

With 10GigE data protection and storage pool network

Setting up the HyperScale 1.5 Appliance With 10G Data Protection and Storage Pool Network

With 10GigE data protection and storage pool networks and a separate 1GigE management network

Setting up HyperScale 1.5 Appliance With 10G Data Protection and Storage Pool Network and 1G Management Network

With a bonded 10GigE data protection and storage pool network

Setting up the HyperScale 1.5 Appliance with Bonded 10G Data Protection and Storage Pool Network

With a bonded 10GigE data protection and storage pool networks, and a separate 1GigE management network

Setting up the HyperScale 1.5 Appliance with Bonded 10G Data Protection and Storage Pool Network and 1G Management Network

With a 10GigE tagged VLAN link for data protection network and 10GigE StoragePool network

Setting up the HyperScale 1.5 Appliance with Tagged VLAN Link for the 10G Data Protection Network and a 10G Storage Pool Network