Status Details for VM


The name of the virtual machine is displayed in the title bar of the dialog box.

Some status information is specific to the hypervisor (such as VMware or Microsoft Hyper-V).


The host name for the machine where the source virtual machine resides.


The status of the backup for the VM (such as COMPLETED, PENDING, or FAILED).

Failure Reason

For failed backups, a brief description of the reason for the failure.

VM Archive Management status

Indicates whether a VM was archived by the backup job.


The name of the proxy that performed the backup.

Backup Size

The amount of data backed up after eliminating white spaces; data that was written and deleted still counts as reserved (allocated) space.

Backup Start Time

The date and time that the backup of the VM began.

Backup End Time

The date and time that the backup of the VM finished.

VM Size

The total space allocated for the virtual machine, calculated as the sum of the maximum disk sizes for all of the virtual machine's hard disks. VM size is usually larger than guest size because virtual machine disks are often thin provisioned.

VMware Tools or Integration Services

Whether VMware Tools or Microsoft Integration Services is installed and running on the VM.

Guest Size

The actual space used on the storage volume for the virtual machine.

Powered Off by current job

Whether the VM was powered off for the backup job.

Operating System

The operating system version for the VM.

Transport Mode

(VMware only) The transport mode for the job: nbd, nbdssl, san, or hotadd.

Job Type

(VM-Centric operations only) The job type: Incremental or Full.

CBT Status

(VMware only) Whether Changed Block Tracking (CBT) was enabled for the job.

Hardware Version

(VMware only) The hardware version of the VM.

Backup Type

(VMware only) The method used to perform the backup (VADP or VCB).