Viewing Deconfigured Clients With Aged Jobs


The archive files for deconfigured clients with backup data in tape media are only logically marked as aged in the database. However, the backup data resides in the tape media until all jobs in the tape media are aged and then recycled. You can view the list of such deconfigured clients with aged data on the Data Management Job History tab of the CommCell Console.


  1. From the CommCell Console, expand the Client Computers node.

  2. Right-click the Client and select View | Job History. The Job History Filter dialog box appears.

  3. Click Advanced on the Job History Filter dialog box. The Data Protection History Advanced Filter dialog box appears.

  4. Select Include Aged Data.

  5. Click OK on the Data Protection History Advanced Filter dialog box.

  6. Click OK on the Job History Filter dialog box. The Data Management Job History tab in the right pane of the CommCell console displays a list of backup jobs performed for the client. The aged backup jobs appear in the gray color.