Virtual Machines in the Capacity Calculation


Capacity usage for VMs is based on the size of the VM jobs being backed up in the CommCell environment.

To view capacity calculations for the CommCell environment, see Capacity Types in the License Summary Report.

Included Data

The capacity calculation includes the following data:

  • Usage is calculated based on the guest size for all VMs being backed up.

  • Backup jobs at the VM level count as full backup jobs, regardless of the parent job type.

  • The size of IntelliSnap jobs and streaming jobs are calculated the same way.

Excluded Data

The capacity calculation excludes the following data:

  • When a VM is removed from the subclient content, the VM is removed from the usage calculation after the next backup job runs or during the next backup cycle.

  • When a VM is manually deconfigured, the VM is removed from the usage calculation. When a VM is reconfigured, it is added to the usage calculation again.