Wildcards Supported in Smart Client Computer Group Rules


The _ (underscore) and the % (percent) wildcards are supported when you create a rule that accepts user-typed text. Use the _ (underscore) to represent a single character and the % (percent) to represent multiple characters. If the text contains an underscore or a percent that should not be used as a wildcard, use a \ (backslash) before the character. Using [] (brackets) allows a single character criteria to be met for group inclusion.


  • Click Name, starts with and then type _w to select clients with "w" as the second letter in the client name.

  • Click Name, starts with and then type %w to select clients with "w" as the last letter in the client name.

  • Click Name, starts with and then type Sales\_ to select clients with "Sales_" at the beginning of the client name.

  • Click Name, starts with and then type client name like abc[123], to select all clients with names starting abc1, abc2, or abc3.

Rules Available for Smart Client Computer Groups