The following table lists the supported Oracle backup and restore parameters.
Parameter |
Description of Parameter Values |
appName |
The name of the application, 'oracle'. |
backupsetName |
The name of the backup set. |
clientName |
The name of the client computer, as displayed in the CommCell Console where the instance is located. |
instanceName |
The name of the Oracle instance. |
backupLevel |
The type of backup to restore. Valid values are:
vsaBackupOptions |
Indicates if the VM backup failed. A valid value is false. |
jobDescription |
The job description. |
postRecoveryCommand |
The command that is run after the restore job. |
preRecoveryCommand |
The command that is run before the restore job |
runPostWhenFail |
Run the post restore command regardless of the success of the restore job. Valid values are:
priority |
The priority of the job. The highest priority is zero and the lowest priority is 999. Range: 0-999 |
startInSuspendedState |
The option to start the job in a suspended state. The suspended job cannot run until it is manually resumed. Valid values are:
backupsetName |
The name of the backup set. |
clientName |
The name of the client computer. |
commCellId |
The CommCell ID of the CommServe. The valid value is 2. |
listMedia |
The list media operation must display media associated with the most recent data protection operation (from now back to the last full backup). Valid values are:
copyPrecedence |
The backup copy precedence. |
copyPrecedenceApplicable |
Valid values are:
drive |
The name of the drive in the pool that performs the restore. |
drivePool |
The name of the drive pool that performs the restore. Use this option to restore by using a specific drive. |
library |
The name of the library that performs the restore. Use this option to restore by using a specific library. |
mediaAgent |
The name of the MediaAgent that performs the restore. |
proxyForSnapClients/clientName |
The proxy client that is used for IntelliSnap. |
noImage |
Restore the deleted files. Valid values are:
timeRange |
The time range to use for the listMedia option. |
timeZone |
The time zone to use for the listMedia option. |
useExactIndex |
This is available in UNIX configurations. You can associate the media with the most recent index in the CommCell Console. Valid values are:
clusterDBBackedup |
This parameter indicates that the backup is for a clustered environment. Valid values are:
detectRegularExpression |
The option to use regular expressions in defining source paths. Valid values are:
isFromBrowseBackup |
The option to restore from a browsed backup. Valid values are:
onePassRestore |
The option to restore from OnePass. Valid values are:
recoverAllProtectedMails |
The option to recover all protected emails. Valid values are:
restoreDeviceFilesAsRegularFiles |
The option to restore the device files as regular files. Valid values are:
restoreSpaceRestrictions |
Valid values are:
restoreToDisk |
The option to restore the file to a disk (perform an application free restore). Valid values are:
revert |
The option to perform a revert. Valid values are:
skipErrorsAndContinue |
The option to skip an error when one is encountered and continue the restore. Valid values are:
useRmanRestore |
The option to use the RMAN interface to perform the restore. Use true for this parameter. |
destination/clientName |
The destination client name. |
sourceItem |
Note: If the sourceItem parameter contains a directory path, verify the path is valid before you run the command. |
SPFilePath |
The path to restore the SP file to |
SPFileTime/timeValue |
The time to use for the SP file restore. |
archiveLog |
The option to restore the archive log. Valid values are:
archiveLogBy |
Specify how to restore the archive logs. Valid values are:
autoDetectDevice |
This option automatically detects the device that was used to perform the backup. Valid values are:
backupValidationOnly |
Valid values are:
catalogConnect1 |
The recovery catalog database. |
catalogConnect2/password |
The password for the recovery catalog. |
catalogConnect3 |
The recovery catalog service name. |
checkReadOnly |
This option checks whether the read-only tables are checked for consistency. Valid values are:
cloneEnv |
The option to create a clone environment. Valid values are:
controlFilePath |
The path to restore the control file to. |
controlFileTime/timeValue |
The time to restore the control file to. |
controleFileScript |
The customized control file RMAN script. |
ctrlFileBackupType |
The option to restore the control file from the autobackup piece, or a specific backup. Valid values are:
ctrlRestoreFrom |
Valid values are:
customizeScript |
Customize the RMAN script. Valid values are:
databaseScript |
The customized data RMAN script. |
dbIncarnation |
The Oracle database incarnation. |
deviceType |
The device type to use for the restore, for example, UTIL_FILE. |
doNotRecoverRedoLogs |
This option to prevent the restore of the redo logs. Valid values are:
duplicate |
The option to duplicate a database. Valid values are:
duplicateActiveDatabase |
The option to duplicate an active database. Valid values are:
duplicateNoFileNamecheck |
The option to duplicate the database without performing a filename check. Valid values are:
duplicateStandby |
The option to create a standby duplicate database. Valid values are:
duplicateStandbySID |
The SID to use for the standby duplicate database. |
duplicateStandbyDoRecover |
The option to recover the standby database after the restore. Valid values are:
duplicateTo |
The option to enable options for creating a duplicate database that has a different configuration than the target database. Valid values are:
duplicateToLogFile |
The option to create new online redo logs for a duplicate database. Selecting this option will enable the redo log group and file options for creating new redo logs. Valid values are:
duplicateToName |
The name of the online redo log file. This can be set when the duplicateToLogFile parameter is set to true. |
duplicateToOpenRestricted |
Open the duplicate database in restricted mode. Valid values are:
duplicateToPFile |
The location of the startup pfile that the duplicate database uses to start. |
duplicateToSkipReadOnly |
Skip read-only tablespaces. Valid values are:
duplicateToSkipTablespace |
The list of tablespaces to skip in the duplicate database. |
endLSNNum |
The last log sequence number when you select the option to restore by using log sequence numbers. |
isDeviceTypeSelected |
Valid values are:
logTarget |
The path to restore the log files. |
logTime/fromValue |
The starting log time when the option to restore by a time range is selected. |
logTime/toValue |
The ending log time when the option to restore by a time range is selected. |
maxOpenFiles |
The maximum number of open files for the restore. |
mountDatabase |
Mount the database after the restore. Valid values are:
noCatalog |
The option to not use the RMAN catalog connect. Valid values are:
openDatabase |
Open the database after the restore. Valid values are:
osID |
Information about the operating system |
partialRestore |
The option to perform a partial restore. Valid values are:
recover |
The option to perform a recovery after the restore: Valid values are:
recoverFrom |
The recover option. |
recoverSCN |
Recover the database by using the SCN. Valid values are:
recoverTime |
The time to recover the database to. |
redirectAllItemsSelected |
The option to redirect all selected tablespaces. Valid values are:
redirectAllItemsPresent |
The option to redirect all tablespaces. Valid values are:
resetDatabase |
The option to reset the database after the restore. Valid values are:
renamePathForAllTablespaces |
The path that is used for the restored tablespaces. |
resetLogs |
The option to reset the logs after the recover operation. Valid values are:
restoreByTag |
Perform the restore by specifying a backup tag. Valid values are:
restoreControlFile |
Restore the control file. Valid values are:
restoreData |
Restore the data Valid values are:
restoreDataTag |
The backup tag to use for the restore. |
restoreFailover |
The option to prevent RMAN from performing a failover to the previous backup to complete the restore operation for Oracle 10g or higher version. This will avoid job delays caused by the failover operation |
restoreSPFile |
Restore the SP file. Valid values are:
restoreStream |
The number of streams to use for the restore. |
restoreTablespace |
The option to restore the tablespaces. Valid values are:
spFileBackupPiece |
The backup piece to restore the sp file from. |
spFileBackupType |
The option to restore the sp from the autobackup piece, or a specific backup. Valid values are:
spFileRestoreFrom |
The option to restore the control file from the autobackup piece, or a specific backup. Valid values are:
startLSNNum |
The last log sequence number when you select the option to restore by using log sequence numbers. |
switchDatabaseMode |
Switch the database to the correct mode before the restore operation. Valid values are:
tableViewRestore |
Perform a table level restore. Valid values are:
tag |
The tag to use for the control file restore. |
timeZone |
The time zone to use for the restore |
useEndLSN |
The last log sequence number when you select the option to restore by using log sequence numbers. |
useStartLSN |
The first log sequence number when you select the option to restore by using log sequence numbers. |
validate |
Validate the restore before the procedure is performed. Valid values are:
operationType |
The type of task. Valid values are:
subTaskType |
The sub task. Valid values are:
alertName |
The name of the alert that is used for the restore job. |
initiatedFrom |
Where the restore is initialed from (for example CommCell Console, or command line). A valid value is COMMANDLINE. |
policyType |
The storage policy type. A valid value is DATA_PROTECTION. |
taskType |
The time the task runs (for example, immediate) A valid value is IMMEDIATE. |