Cloud Assembly FAQs

When a Cloud Assembly's existing policy is deleted, will Appranix delete all the snapshots created using the policy?

Yes, if a Cloud Assembly's existing policy is removed, Appranix cleans up all the snapshots generated by that particular policy.


Appranix will not allow deletion of all the associated policies in a Cloud Assembly. At least one policy should exist for a Cloud Assembly.

What are the resource selection options available for protection in Appranix?

Appranix allows you to choose the resources for protection while creating a Cloud assembly.

You can use the following options to select the resources,

For an AWS cloud assembly, - Entire VPC

  • Selected Tags

  • Selected Resources

For an GCP cloud assembly,

  • Selected Tags

  • Selected Resources

For an Azure cloud assembly,

  • Entire Resource Group

Does Appranix allow us to edit an existing cloud assembly and add new resources?

Yes, Appranix allows you to edit an existing cloud connection and add new resources for protection.

Click the Cloud Assembly which you want to EDIT, choose "Actions" button from the top right and click "EDIT"

When an assembly is triggered for deletion, will Appranix deletes all the snapshots associated with the Cloud Assembly?

For AWS and GCP, Appranix will delete all its associated snapshots once an assembly or an associated policy is triggered for deletion.

For Azure, manual deletion is required after deleting the Azure Cloud Assemblies. Appranix won’t delete any of your snapshots, you need to delete them manually from your Azure portal. ​ All the snapshots will be stored in the resource group which you have provided while creating the respective assemblies' cloud connection. And the cross-region snapshots will be stored as blobs inside the storage account which you have provided while creating the respective assemblies' cloud connection.

How to change Appranix snapshot retention count?

You can modify an assembly's retention count by following the below steps:

  1. Choose the Cloud Assembly for which you want to change the retention count from the Cloud Assembly page.

  2. Click the policies tab and select the existing policy.

  3. Click on the "ACTIONS" button and choose "EDIT".

  4. Under the Retention section you can find two "Retention count" fields, one is for primary region and another one is for recovery region.

  5. Enter the new retention count for both regions and save the changes.

    After finishing, Appranix will automatically adjust the snapshots retention period as per the new value.

Is it possible to recover a timeline in a cloud assembly if a cloud outage happened in its primary region?

Yes, Appranix can recover your cloud assembly in the recovery region using the replicated snapshots without any issues.

Why does Appranix fail to protect some resources even when the protection type is selected as "entire resource group" or "entire VPC"?

Appranix works with an application-centric approach. All your compute resources, like virtual machines, databases, and other resources that hold the application are considered primary resources.

All the other resources, like Loadblancer, Virtual Network, and other similar resources that support the application resources to run, are considered supporting resources. Due to this, Appranix picks up all supporting resources for protection only if they are connected to any compute items.

So even if your protection type is chosen as an entire VPC or an entire Resource Group. Appranix focuses on protecting all compute and its associated supporting resources.

How to prevent a particular timelines snapshot from getting elapsed?

Yes, You can prevent a timeline from getting elapsed by locking the particular timeline in the timeline page. Locking the timeline prevents it from deleting the event after the retention period.

All you need to do is click the more button on the right side of the timeline and click the lock button. Once a proper comment is added, the timeline can be locked and prevented from deletion.

Is it Possible to move the assemblies from one Appranix account to Other Appranix account?

Due to security reasons, Appranix do not support sharing of Cloud Assemblies between two Appranix accounts. One Cloud Assembly is mapped to one Appranix account.

Please check the link below for step wise process,to%20recovery%20testing
