Adding a CommCell Setting

You can add a CommCell setting from the Command Center.

Before You Begin

Verify that your CommCell user account has following permissions:


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > System.

  2. Click the Settings tile.

    The Settings page appears.

  3. Click the Add button, and then select CommCell settings.

    The Add CommCell settings page appears.

  4. In the Name box, enter the name of the CommCell setting.

    To add a custom key that is not predefined, type the name of the custom key and then select the name from the suggestion list.

  5. In the Value box, enter the value for the CommCell setting.

  6. Click Save.

  7. If the modification requires a restart of the Commserve computer, you must restart the Commvault services on the Commserve computer.

For instructions to restart the Commvault services, see Controlling Commvault Services on Clients.
