You can add a replication failover group to provide orchestration for virtual machines from the same hypervisor.
Before You Begin
To be included in a failover group, virtual machines must already be part of a replication group.
For VMware destination sites: To use a failover group for test failover operations, configure a recovery target to support virtual lab options.
From the navigation pane, go to Auto recovery > Replication groups.
The Replication groups page appears.
On the Failover groups tab, in the upper-right area of the page, click Add failover group > Replication.
The Add failover group - Replication dialog box appears.
Enter the following information:
Name: Enter a descriptive name for the replication failover group.
Server groups / Hypervisors: Select a server group or a hypervisor to add all virtual machines that are part of the group or hypervisor and have been configured for recovery.
Virtual Machines: Select the VMs you want to include in the replication failover group.
Source: The source VM.
Destination name: The destination VM at the recovery site, based on the configuration of the VM for recovery.
Priority: If needed, set the priority for each virtual machine. VMs with lower priority numbers will be processed first during failover or failback operations.
Actions: If needed, beside each VM, click the action
button and then select Add a Pre Script or Add a Post Script.
Advanced options: Click to display additional options for the replication failover group:
Failover delay between different priority machines (in mins): Enter a value in minutes to specify how long the failover or failback operation should wait between processing VMs that are assigned different priorities.
This setting can be used to enable higher priority machines to start before processing the next set of machines.
Continue to next priority on failure: To continue failover or failback operations when a VM cannot be included in the operation, move this toggle key to the right.
If you do not enable this option, the failover or failback operation stops when a VM cannot be processed successfully.
Approval required for failover and failback: If failover or failback operations should pause until the operations approved by an administrator, move this toggle key to the right.
User to notify: Select the user who must approve any failover or failback operations.
If you selected Approval required for failover and failback, the user must approve the operation before it starts, by clicking the appropriate link in the email that is sent to request approval.
Click Save.