Create a Cleanroom Recovery Target

A recovery target sets the destination settings for where you will perform your cleanroom recovery such as VM naming scheme for recovered VMs, destination region, VM sizing, and networking. All recovery groups associated with a recovery target will inherit the setting from the recovery target.

To recover virtual machines in a cleanroom, add a recovery target using the Azure hypervisor.

Before You Begin

Configure an Azure hypervisor for the destination.

Go to the Recovery Target Page

  1. From the navigation pane, go to Cleanroom > Targets.

    The Targets page appears.

  2. At the top-right area of the page, click Add.

    The Add Microsoft Azure target page appears.

  3. In the Target name box, enter a descriptive name for the destination (for example, destination site 1).

  4. From the Destination list, select the destination hypervisor.

  5. Beside Entity display name, select Use original name, Add a prefix to the entity name, or Add a suffix to the entity name, and then enter a string to be appended to the original display name to create new destination entity names.

  6. From the Access node list, select an access node or an access node group to use for the recovery operation.

    To restore multiple instances or VMs simultaneously, select Automatic to distribute the workload (instances or VMs) in the auto recovery job across the access nodes.

  7. From the Security list, select users or user groups who can access the recovery target.

  8. Click Next. The Destination Options page appears.

Enter Destination Options

  1. From the Resource group list, select the resource group for the destination VM.

  2. From the Region list, select the region for the restored VM. This must match the Air Gap Protect region that houses the backups.

  3. From the Storage Account list, select the storage account for the destination virtual machine and disks.

  4. From the VM size list, select the VM size specification for the destination virtual machine.

  5. From the Availability zone list, for Azure managed disks, select the pre-defined availability zone for the restored VM.

    The zones listed apply only to the region selected for the restored VM. If you select the Auto option rather than a specific availability zone (1, 2, or 3), and if the feature is supported for the specified region and VM size, the VM is restored to the same availability zone as the source VM, otherwise, it is restored without a zone (No Zone).

  6. From the Disk type list, for managed disks only, select the disk type for the Azure destination VM: Auto select (same as the source VM), Standard HDD, Standard SSD, or Premium SSD.

    Consider the following:

    • When the Disk Type for the recovery target is set to Auto select, the destination VM disk type is as follows:

      • For Azure source to Azure destination recovery, the destination VM disk type is the same as the source VM.

      • For any other vendor (such as VMware) to Azure destination recovery, the destination VM disk type is standard HDD.

    • When the Disk Type for the recovery target is set to Premium SSD, but in the Override recovery options window, the Disk Type is set to Original, the destination VM disk type is as follows:

      • For Azure source to Azure destination recovery, the destination VM disk type is the same as the source VM.
    • When the Disk Type for the recovery target is set to Auto select, and in the Override recovery options window, the Disk Type is set to Original, the destination VM disk type is as follows:

      • For Azure source to Azure destination recovery, when in the Override recovery options window, the VM size selected does not support premium SSD (for example, D2v3), the destination VM disk type is standard HDD.

      • For Azure source to Azure destination recovery, when in the Override recovery options window, the VM size selected supports premium SSD (for example, B2ms), the destination VM disk type is the same as the source VM.

  7. From the Virtual network list, select the network connection for the restored VM, or leave the default value of Auto select.

    Static IP addresses from a source VM are not recovered to the destination VM.

  8. From the Security group list, specify the network security group for the restored VM or leave the default value of Auto select.

  9. To have Azure assign a public IP address for destination VMs, move the Create public IP toggle key to the right.

  10. Click Submit.
