Create a repository group to specify the content to back up.
From the navigation pane, go to Protect > DevOps.
The DevOps page appears.
On the Azure DevOps tab, click the DevOps app.
The DevOps app page appears.
On the Repository groups tab, click Add repository group.
The Select Plan page appears.
Select the server plan to back up the applications.
If you don't already have a server plan that you can use, to create one, click the add button
Click Next.
The Repository group name page appears.
In Repository group name, enter a name for the repository group.
Click Next.
The Backup Content page appears.
From the Azure services list, select the Azure service to back up.
Boards, Repos, Pipelines, Test Plans, and Artifacts are selected by default. To unselect, from the list, click the Azure service.
In Organization name, select the organization.
For Projects, specify whether to back up all projects or only the projects that you select.
Click Submit.