Data Views for the Disk Library Growth Report

This report includes only an information table and no charts.

Disk Library Growth Details

This table displays the libraries associated with the CommCell and includes the capacity for each library, the date when the library will be full, and the current status of the library. All of this information appears at both the Worldwide and CommCell levels, except where otherwise indicated.



CommCell Name

The CommCell environment where the libraries are configured.

CommCell ID

The ID for the CommServe computer.

This column appears only at the Worldwide level.


The disk library with available storage space.


The total amount of capacity in the library.

Free Space

The amount of available space on the disk for writing data.

Effective Free Space

The amount of available space, other than Reserve Space.

Effective Free Space (%)

The percentage of Effective Free Space in the library.

Reserve Space

The amount of space reserved for the CommCell environment in the disk library.

Date to be Full

The date when the disk library will be full and data can no longer be saved in it.

For the disk libraries hosted in a HyperScale storage pool, the software considers 90% usage of the available space for full storage utilization.

Data Written

The amount of data written to the disk library.

App Size

The amount of data transferred during backup or archive jobs.

Previous Month Change

The difference between the App Size for the previous month and the month before that.

Previous Month Change (%)

The percentage of difference between the App Size for the previous month and the month before that.

Current Month Change

The difference between the App Size for the current month and the previous month.

Current Month Change (%)

The percentage of difference between the App Size for the current month and the previous month.

Low Watermark (%)

The percentage configured to indicate space is low in the disk library. For instructions on configuring the Low Watermark percentage, see Modify the Low Watermark.

Reach Low Watermark

The date when the disk library will reach the low watermark percentage.

6 Month Growth

The amount of data growth in the disk library over the last six months.

12 Month Growth

The amount of data growth in the disk library over the last 12 months.

18 Month Growth

The amount of data growth in the disk library over the last 18 months.


The current status of the disk library, such as Critical, Warning, or Good.

  • Critical indicates that the disk library will be full in less than 90 days.

  • Warning indicates that the disk library will be full in 90-180 days.

  • Good indicates that the disk library will be full in over 180 days.
