IntelliSnap - NetApp E-series PiT Snap Engine Migration from SMI-S Protocol to REST APIs

The NetApp E-series storage vendor has deprecated the SMI-S protocol that is used to interact with the array for snapshot operations. As a result, starting Commvault Platform Release 2024E (11.36), the NetApp E-series PiT snap engine uses the REST APIs to perform snapshot operations. The NetApp E-series/LSI Snapshot engine and NetApp E-series/LSI Volume Copy engines have been deprecated.

Hence, it is necessary to configure the following snapshot properties for the array in the array management to use REST APIs with NetApp E-series PiT Snap Engine:

  • REST Management IP

  • REST Server User name

  • REST Server Password

For more information about snapshot properties, see snapshot configuration properties for NetApp E-Series/LSI.


If you have configured the NetApp E-series PiT engine prior to 2024E (11.36) upgrade, then the engine name gets updated to NetApp E-Series PiT (Deprecated) and continues using SMI-S protocol until you manually change the engine to NetApp E-series PiT and add the REST API configuration.
