Migrating IBM Spectrum Protect Data

Using the ThirdParty Migration app, you can migrate any backup jobs that can be restored as files from an IBM Spectrum Protect, previously called Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) into the Commvault storage. The app restores the TSM backup jobs to the Data Access Nodes (staging client) and initiates the backup for the migration.

Migration is currently not supported for TSM 5.x version.


We migrate the third-party backups as files (file system data) from TSM. You can migrate only file system data to the Commvault storage. You cannot migrate data of other agents or applications such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, NDMP and VMware.

Before You Begin

  • Create a server plan with proper retention rules for migration. The server plan should not be associated with any schedules.

  • Install the File System Agent on the TSM Command Server, which is the server where you will run the TSM admin (dsmadmc) command and where the baclient folder exists.

  • Choose one or more Data Access Nodes that has the TSM and Commvault File system agent installed where you will run the TSM (dsmc) command. You can choose either Windows (to migrate Windows data) or Linux clients (to migrate Linux data) as data access nodes for the migration. For example, if you are migrating data from a Linux client, use a data access node on Linux. You can use either TSM Windows Command Server (or) TSM Linux Command Server to migrate both the TSM Windows and Linux data to Commvault.

  • To expedite the migration process, you can configure multiple Data Access Nodes. You can configure the Data access nodes from the Server Configuration tab of the Third-Party Migration Report. Only the configured Data Access Nodes are listed in the Enter Migration Settings page in the report.

  • Create multiple storage plans with different retention settings to allow migrating groups of clients based on the storage plan.

  • Based on the OS type of the TSM Command Server, use one of the following scenarios to migrate Windows and Linux TSM data:

    Windows TSM Command Server

    • Scenario 1: The TSM Windows Command Server and the TSM Windows data access node are on the same server, and the Commserve server with the Workflow engine package is on a different server.
    • Scenario 2: The TSM Windows Command Server, the TSM Linux data access node, and the CommServe server are on different servers.
    • Scenario 3: The TSM Windows Command Server, the TSM Windows data access node, and the Windows CommServe server with the Workflow engine package are all on the same server.

    Linux TSM Command Server

    • Scenario 1: The TSM Linux Command Server and the TSM Linux data access node are on the same server. and the Commserve server with the Workflow engine package is on a different server.
    • Scenario 2: The TSM Linux Command Server, the TSM Linux data access node, and the Linux CommServe server with the Workflow engine package are on different servers.
  • Copy the sqlite-jdbc-3.25.2.jar file to the following locations on the CommServe where the Workflow engine package is installed. The jar file is used to create the TSM client sqliteDB files (.db-shm, .db-wal and .db files) for the TSM restore/migration process in the workflows.

    • < Install_Path >\Commvault\ContentStore\WFEngine
    • < Install_Path >\Commvault\ContentStore\WFEngine\classpath

    You can download the sqlite-jdbc-3.25.2.jar file from the following location: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc/3.25.2/

  • Create multiple staging directories on the TSM data access nodes.

    • On, Windows data access nodes, create a folder under any one of the drives (for example, D:). The folder will be used as a staging directory to store the TSM Windows restored data before migrating to Commvault.
    • On non-Windows data access nodes, create a folder under any one of the file systems folders (such as the /tmp folder). The folder will be used as a staging directory to store the TSM Non-Windows restored data before migrating the data into Commvault.

    You must specify this folder path when you add Data Access Nodes under Server Configuration in the report.

  • Grant proxy authority to the data access nodes.

    For example, assume that Node A is the TSM client node which stores the data and Node B is the data access node which restores or retrieves the data. To grant proxy authority to Node B, run the following command on the Tivoli Storage Manager Server administrative command line:

    grant proxyynode target=Node A agent=Node B


  1. Access the ThirdParty Migration app.

  2. In the Server Configuration tab, click Add Server.

    The Select Backup Product window appears.

  3. In the Select Product box, select TSM, and then click Next.

    The Enter Migration Settings window appears.

  4. Provide the following inputs, and then click Next.

    • Unique Alias Name - The unique alias name of the TSM backup server.

    • TSM Server - The name of the TSM backup server.

    • TSM User - The admin user account for the TSM backup server.

    • TSM User Password - Password for the admin user account.

    • Select TSM Command Client - The name of the server where you run the TSM admin commands (dsmadmc).

    • TSM Install Path on Command Server - The path where you installed the TSM software on the Command Server. For example, C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM.

    • Migration WorkSpace on WorkFlowEngine (Commserve, where the WorkflowEngine package is installed) - This is disabled as workflow will identify the exact path of the JobResults directory on the CommServe. Under this directory, Workflow creates the TSMMigrationWorkSpace directory. This directory stores the TSM restore file list (.txt file) which is passed as -filelist to the dsmc restore command, the TSM client sqliteDB files (.db-shm, .db-wal and .db files) and tsmclient_contents.csv file.. This folder stores the TSM restore file list (.txt file), which is passed to the dsmc restore command and the TSM client sqliteDB files (.db-shm, .db-wal and .db files/tsmclient_contents.csv).

    • Staging Client - Name of the Data Access Nodes that you configured. Only the configured Data Access Nodes are listed in the Enter Migration Settings page.

    • CV Storage - The name of the server plan that you configured for this migration.

    • Number of Versions to Restore - Select the number of versions to restore. For example, if you select the number of versions as 2, only the two TSM file versions will be restored. If you enter "*", then all the TSM file versions are restored.

    • Max Parallel Jobs - Select the maximum number of backup jobs that you can run in parallel and then click Finish.

    The TSM backup server is listed under Backup Server Configuration.

  5. Click Load Jobs for the TSM backup server.

  6. In the Select client box, select one or more TSM clients for which you want to load the backup jobs, and then click OK.

  7. Click the Job Details tab.

    You can view a list of backup jobs for the selected clients.

  8. To change the client , in the Select Client box, select a different TSM client, and then click Apply.

  9. To start migration select the backup jobs, and then click Start Migration.

    The status column for the selected backup jobs, will display the status as In Progress. You can also view the migration progress for the backup jobs in the Migration Queue tab.

  10. Optional:To stop the running migration operation, in the Migration Queue tab, click Stop.

    The Commvault file system license is released on the data access node when the migration is complete.


If the TSM (IBM spectrum protect) command line operations do not work during the third-party migration, the migration job will fail or moves to a pending state. To troubleshoot issues with the TSM command line operations, contact IBM support.

What to Do Next

You can access and manage the files from the Command Center.

  1. From the navigation, click Protect > File Servers.
  2. Select the TSM_clientname, and navigate to Protocols > CIFS/NFS.
  3. Click the Subclients tab, and then choose TSM_files backupset.

    You can now restore the migrated data from the list of subclients.
