Migrating NetBackup Data

Using the Third Party Migration app, you can migrate backup jobs that can be restored as files from a NetBackup client into the Commvault storage. The app restores the NetBackup backup jobs to the Data Access Nodes (staging client) and initiates the backup for the migration.


The third-party migration app is accessible only for the Commvault professional services team. To use the app, contact your account representative and discuss a Professional Services engagement. To enable third-party migration for supported agents, contact your sales or customer success team for assistance with purchasing the app.


  1. Import the Third-Party Migration app to Command Center. For more information, see Importing an App.
  2. From the navigation pane, go to Reports > Third-Party Migration.

  3. In the Server Configuration tab, under Data Access Nodes section, click Add/Update. The ThirdPartyMigration_EditStagingClient_FS window appears.

  4. In the Operation Type list, select Add to add a new staging client, and then click OK.
    To edit an existing staging client, select the staging client name, and then click OK.
    The Staging Client window appears.
  5. In the Client list, select the staging client name.
  6. In the Restore Path box, type the location where you want to restore the Netbackup data on the staging client. To restore VM data, type the NFS mount path that you created for datastore export. Example, /cvstorage.
  7. In the Third Party Install Path box, type the base path for Veritas Netbackup installation. Example, /usr/openv/netbackup.
  8. Click OK.
    The staging client is listed under the Data Access Nodes section.
  9. In the Server Configuration tab, under Backup Server Configuration section, click Add Server.

    The Select Backup Product window appears.

  10. In the Select Product box, select NetBackup, and then click Next.

    The Enter Migration Settings window appears.

  11. Provide the following inputs, and then click Finish.

    • Unique Alias Name - Customized name to save the configuration in the app for the NetBackup migration.
    • NetBackup Master Server - NetBackup Master server hostname that is reachable to run commands to fetch client and job details from the Command Server.
    • Master Server Time Zone – The time zone of the Master server. Set the correct timezone for migrating the jobs to Commvault storage.

    • Select Command Server - Name of the server that has NetBackup software and the Commvault software installed. The server will run the required NetBackup commands (including bprestore command) to get the NetBackup clients/job details and to restore the NetBackup client data into the data access node (LandingZone Server). The Command Server and the data access node can be on the same server or on separate servers.

    • NetBackup Installation Path on Command Server - The path where you installed NetBackup on the Command Server. For example, C:Program FilesVeritasNetBackup on Windows server and /usr/openv/netbackup on Linux server.

    • Staging Client - Select the data access node that you configured. Only the configured Data Access Nodes are listed in the Enter Migration Settings page. Data is restored to the staging client through the NFS datastore.

    • Server Plan – Name of the server plan that you configured for this migration.

    • Netbackup Workspace Path on Command Server – The path where the app creates temporary input files required for the migration. For example, /tmp/cvnbumigration. These input files are sent to the bprestore command for each backup job that you select for the migration.

    • Max Parallel Jobs - Select the maximum number of backup jobs that you can run in parallel. By default, the number is set to 5 for optimal usage. You can change this value based on the NBU and Commvault infrastructure load capability and scale aspects.

    • NBU ESX Server - Applies to VM data migration only. The name of the ESXi server required to stage the temporary VM recovery destination.

    • ESX NFS Datastore - Applies to VM data migration only. Name of the NFS datastore that you created. Example, cvstorage.
    • vCenter Migration Datacenter - Applies to VM data migration only. Name of the datacenter that you created in vCenter. The datacenter name is required to perform out-of-place recovery operations.

    • Collect Clients and Policy Details - Enable to collect the NetBackup server details. This is required when you add the NetBackup server for the first time.

    The NetBackup Master server is listed under Backup Server Configuration.

  12. Click Load Jobs for the NetBackup Master server.

  13. In the Select Client box, select the NetBackup clients for which you want to view the backup jobs.

  14. In the From and To boxes, enter the start and end time range of the backup jobs that you want to view, and then click OK.

    You can view a list of backup jobs for the selected client and date range.

  15. Click the Client Details tab.

    You can view the details for the selected clients. 19. Click the Job Details tab.

    You can view a list of backup jobs for the selected clients.

  16. To change the client , in the Select Client box, select a different NetBackup client, and then click Apply.

  17. To start migration, select the backup jobs, and then click Start Migration.

    The status column for the selected backup jobs, will display the status as In Progress. You can also view the migration progress for the backup jobs in the Migration Queue tab.

  18. Optional: To stop the running migration operation, in the Migration Queue tab, click Stop.

  19. Optional: To view details of the media that was used for each backup job, click Show Media.


If the NetBackup command line operations do not work during the third-party migration, the migration job will fail or moves to a pending state. To troubleshoot issues with the NetBackup command line operations, contact Veritas support.

What to Do Next

To delete any orphaned VMs created during the migration process, complete the following steps. These steps will delete all orphaned VMs and not specific to only migrated VMs.

1. Verify that ssh is enabled on the ESXi host.
2. Create the delete_orphaned_vms.sh script file with the following code:

# List all VMs and their IDs..
vm_list=$(vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | tail -n +2 | awk  
'{print $1}')  
for vmid in $vm_list; do  
/# Check if the VM is orphaned  
power_state=$(vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate $vmid)  
if [[ $power_state == *"Invalid"* ]]; then  
echo "Deleting orphaned VM with ID: $vmid"  

3. Copy the script to the ESXi host.

scp delete_orphaned_vms.sh root@esxi_host_ip:/<DataStorePath>
chmod +x /vmfs/volumes/<DataStorePath>/delete_orphaned_vms.sh

4. Run the script to delete the orphaned VMs.

Optionally, to schedule the pruning job, run crontab -e to edit the crontab file, and then add the following line:

0 0 * * * /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/delete_orphaned_vms.sh
