Monitoring Cleanroom Recovery

You can monitor the cleanroom recovery process in a few ways. You can go to the Jobs within the recovery group to view the status of recovery operation of a cleanroom recovery group or an entity. Additionally, you can monitor the state of each entity from the cleanroom recovery group.

Viewing Cleanroom Recovery Group Jobs

  1. From the navigation pane, go to Cleanroom > Recovery groups.

    The Recovery groups page appears.

  2. Click the recovery group.

    The recovery group details page appears.

    On the Entities tab, a status for each entity appears in the table and indicates whether an entity is Ready to recover, Not ready, In Progress, Failed, or Recovered. If an entity is listed as Not ready, you can hover over the status to display the reason Commvault considers the entity not ready. If the entity is In Progress, Failed, or Recovered, you can click on the status to go to the job for that entity and see further details.

Viewing Job Information

For each recovery group, on the Jobs tab, the Job history table displays a list of recovery jobs that ran for a cleanroom recovery group or an entity.

The following list describes the job information:

  • Job ID: The system-generated ID for the recovery job.

  • Operation: The type of recovery job that ran.

  • Server: The server that performed the job.

  • Agent type: The agent type that was recovered. For example, VM or file server.

  • Subclient: The data (subclient) that the software recovered.

  • Size: The amount of data that the job is processing or processed during recovery.

  • End: The time the job ended.

  • Elapsed: The total time the job ran.

  • Status: The execution status of the recovery job. For example, Completed or Failed.

  • Error description: The reason the job did not succeed. For example, when the recovery job fails, the description provides specific reason and lists the error.

  • Error code: The error code for job failure.

  • Actions: The list of operations that you can perform on a job.

    • Restore: Run the restore operation.

    • Resubmit: Resubmit the recovery job.

    • View logs: View the log information about operation processing details for a recovery job.

    • Send logs: Send log files to analyze and diagnose problems.

    • View job details: View detailed information about a job.

    • Check readiness: Check whether the entity is ready before you perform a recovery operation.

Viewing Recovery Job Phase Information

On the Jobs tab, in the Job History table, you can click the job ID tab to open the job page for the recovery group. On the job details page, on the Phase details tab, you can view phase information for entities that were recovered in a recovery group.

The following list describes the phase information:

  • Entity: The entity (such as a virtual machine) that was processed during a phase in the recovery operation.

  • Latest phase: The phase the job currently is in. For example, a job can be in the Get VM status and Recovery phases during recovery.

  • Phase status: The execution status of the phase. For example, Success or Failed.

  • Phase start time: The time the phase started.

  • Elapsed time: The total time the phase ran.

  • Failure Reason: The reason the job did not succeed in the phase.
