Performing a Disaster Recovery (DR) Backup


You can initiate a Disaster Recovery (DR) backup job on-demand.

A daily schedule for a full DR backup is automatically created when the CommServe is installed. Based on the security requirements of the CommServe and the recovery point objectives of the disaster recovery plan in your environment, scheduling multiple DR backup jobs in a day is recommended.

A disaster recovery plan should consist of at least one full backup performed every day and multiple differential DR backups performed several times during the day. Differential DR backups will back up only that data that has changed since the last full backup. Hence, this backup is smaller in size and takes less time to complete.

DR backup jobs have the highest priority in the CommCell. If a DR backup job cannot be completed, the Job Manager will retry the job, up to a total of 5-hours at 30-minute intervals for a maximum of 10 times.


  • For minimum impact to production jobs, we recommend performing DR backups when no other CommCell jobs are running.

  • By default, the HistoryDB, WFEngine, and CVCloud databases are included in the DR backup job - if the Workflow Engine and Metrics Reporting Server are installed on the CommServe host. (We highly recommend that you include these databases in the backup.)


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > System.

    The System page appears.

  2. Click the Maintenance tile.

    The Maintenance page appears.

  3. Click the DR backup (Daily) tile.

  4. Click the Run job icon Performing a Disaster Recovery (DR) Backup (1).

    The DR options page is displayed.

  5. Select one of the following backup types:

    • Full - Select this option to back up the entire metadata. By default the Full backup type option is selected.

    • Differential - Select this option to back up only that data that has changed since the last full backup. This backup is smaller in size and takes less time to complete. Use differential backup type if there are limitations in disk space or network bandwidth. However, you can use this backup to restore the CommServe databases, only when the last full backup is accessible.

  6. If sufficient space is not available on the CommServe host, to compress the database backup file (*.dmp), select the Enable database backup compression check box.


    Do not select this option for Microsoft SQL Server Express Editions which is installed with the Commvault Express Editions. For example, the Edge Express solution.

  7. Click Run job.


A DR backup job will be started. You view and control the job. For more information, see Jobs.

Additional Information

For each DR backup, SET_XXX directory is created under the configured export location. (xxx is a sequential number for the directory.) The highest number is associated with the latest DR backup. Each folder contains the following files:




This full dump file represents a full backup of the CommServe database.


This dump file represents a differential backup of the CommServe database.


This dump file represents a full backup of GlobalConfigManager database in MongoDB.

Other Files

Depends on the software module installed/configured, such as, workflow database files.


  • Full backup of the Mongo databases is also taken during differential DR backup, as a result SET folder will have multiple mongoDB database dumps (.7z files), with time stamp appended.

    When the Mongo database needs to be restored, then the database dump with latest time stamp must be selected for restoration.

  • The DR backup operation runs a database consistency check on all the databases included in the DR backup. If the consistency check fails on any database, the DR backup job fails and all job activities on the CommServe server are disabled.

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