Security Configuration for IntelliSnap


The Command Center has predefined roles that you can use to manage security for users, storage arrays, servers, subclients, and plans.


Roles define a set of permissions. By associating roles, user groups, and users with a particular array and server, you can control access to them and grant permissions to perform actions. By default, the Command Center has the following roles:

  • Master

  • View

  • End Users

  • Compliance

  • Client Admins

  • All Users Laptops

  • Plan Subscription Role

  • Schedule Policy Creator

  • Plan Creator Role

  • Subclient Policy Owner

  • Client Group Creator

  • Tenant Admin

  • Derived Plan Creator Role

  • Data Controller

  • Tenant Access

  • Case Manager User

  • Case Manager Reviewer

  • MSP Subscription (only for MSP administrators managing a multi-tenant environment)

  • Alert Owner

  • VM End User

  • Tenant Operator

IntelliSnap Requirements

For arrays, you can associate users or groups with roles to determine which actions users can perform. You can also assign users or groups as owners/admins who have management permissions for those entities. You can use predefined roles, modify predefined roles, or create new roles. In general, the following permissions in the Storage Management group are required for general administrative users for managing arrays in IntelliSnap:

  • Array Administration
  • Array Management


In addition to the above permissions, you must have access to arrays, servers, and plans for listing snapshots and managing operations from the associated level. For detailed information, see Storage Management Permissions

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