Snapshot Configuration Properties of the Tintri VMstore Storage Array

The Configuration tab contains snapshot configuration properties that control the behavior of the storage array in your environment.



Auto Update Array Host Aliases

If you select this option, then aliases can be added by the snapshot engine during a backup job, or while adding the array.

By default, this property is selected.

Array Host Aliases

The list of aliases that can be accessed by the array, or the datastore data IP. The list is useful when array aliases cannot be detected automatically, or when duplicate assets might be detected between arrays that are shared by the same array access node, or when you have a datastore data IP.

Enable Diagnostic Logging

When selected, enables diagnostics logging.

Mount Datastore

A datastore where all clone VMs are registered for the mount operation. The datastore name must have a corresponding datastore on the vCenters where the mount operation runs.
