Additional Information for Qscripts


Most QScripts can be used regardless of application. QScripts are available in the <software_install_folder>\scripts folder or the stored procedures folder on the CommServe computer. The QScripts in the stored procedures folder are stored procedures that are attached to the corresponding databases (for example, the CommServe Database). Contact Support if you need help finding a QScript.

QScripts and Associated Readmes

The readmes use one of the following naming convention:

  • readme_<qscriptname>.txt

    For example, the readme associated with the GetSubclients.sql script is readme_GetSubclients.txt.

  • <qscriptname>.Readme.html

    This format is used by the QScripts in the stored procedures folder on the CommServe computer. For example, the readme associated with the GetQscriptExec stored procedure is CommServ.QS_GetQscriptExec.Readme.html.

For information on the available options and parameters that can be used to execute the specific script, refer to the readme associated with the respective QScript.

GUI Audit Trail Report

The GUI Audit Trail Report provides information on the scripts executed by the qoperation execscript command. To include this information, run the report using the Low Severity option. The report includes the name of the script and the input parameters used to execute the script.


All login and logout sessions from the command line (for example, using qlogin and qlogout commands) are audited by the CommCell Console. To enable this for an upgraded CommServe, run the following command:

qoperation execscript -sn SetKeyIntoGlobalParamTbl.sql -si QSDKSessionsAudit -si y -si 1