Check Readiness Workflow


The Demo_CheckReadiness workflow is a pre-defined workflow which allows you to check the connectivity of all the client computers within a client group. The workflow uses the qoperation checkready command to perform the connectivity check, and then sends a summary of the client connectivity results to the Administrator in an e-mail.

This workflow can be manually executed from the CommCell Console. It is useful when you want to verify that all the clients in a client group are online and ready to perform a CommCell operation.

How Does It Work?

This pre-defined workflow automates the following operations:

  1. Retrieves all the clients from a client group.

  2. Performs the connectivity check operation for each client computer in the group.


    If a client is offline or unreachable, the workflow notifies the corresponding client owners by e-mail to take corrective actions.

  3. Sends an e-mail to the CommCell administrator with the following information:

    • List of clients that failed the connectivity check and that have no associated owners (or the owners have no e-mail address specified).

    • List of clients that failed the connectivity check and whose owners were alerted (through e-mail).

    • List of clients that passed the connectivity check.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Workflows.

  2. Right-click Demo_CheckReadiness and then click All Tasks > Execute.

  3. Select the workflow engine from the Run workflow on list and select the name of the client group from the Value column of the ClientGroupName input.

  4. Click OK.

    You can track the progress of the workflow job from the Job Controller.

Once the workflow completes, the Administrator receives a summary of the client connectivity results in an e-mail. If one of the clients fails the connectivity check, the client owner receives an e-mail alert.

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