Configuring Hardware Encryption from the Command Line Interface


You can use SetDataPathProperty qscript to enable hardware encryption settings on the following:

  • Storage policy copy

  • All data paths available in the CommCell

  • All data paths of a given library and MediaAgent

  • Specific data path


  1. Open the command prompt and go to software_installation_directory\Base directory.

  2. Log on to the CommServe by running the qlogin command.

  3. Choose how you want to configure the hardware encryption:

    • To set the hardware encryption for a storage policy copy, run the following command:

      qoperation execscript -sn SetDataPathProperty -si HardwareEncryption -si SP-Copy -si <Storage_Policy_Name> -si <Storage_Policy_Copy_Name> -si <0|1|2>

    • To set the hardware encryption for all data paths in a CommCell, run the following command:

      qoperation execscript -sn SetDataPathProperty -si HardwareEncryption -si All -si <0|1|2>
    • To set the hardware encryption for all data paths of a given library and MediaAgent, run the following command:

      qoperation execscript -sn SetDataPathProperty -si HardwareEncryption -si Lib-MA -si <Library_Name> -si <MediaAgent_Name> -si <0|1|2>

    • To set the hardware encryption for a given data path, run the following command:

      qoperation execscript -sn SetDataPathProperty -si HardwareEncryption -si datapath -si <Storage_Policy_Name> -si <Storage_Policy_Copy_Name> -si <MediaAgent_Name> -si <Library_Name> -si <Drive_Pool_Name> -si <Scratch_Pool_Name> -si <0|1|2>


    • 0 - Disables hardware encryption.

    • 1 - Enables Media Password option.

    • 2 - Enables No Access option.

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