Configuring Third-Party Data Masking for Oracle Database Clones


After you clone an Oracle database, you can have the Commvault software run any data-masking vendor plug-in. A data-masking vendor plug-in masks sensitive data in the cloned database before the data is available for development and quality assurance.

The Commvault software is integrated with the following vendors:

  • Data Masker

  • IRI FieldShield

Create a script that runs the ExecuteCommandOnRemoteClient workflow by using an XML command.

The table describes ExecuteCommandOnRemoteClient workflow XML elements.




The clone destination client.


The full path to the vendor plug-in.

Before You Begin

  1. Create or get a data masking script, and then save the script on the clone destination client.

  2. Deploy the ExecuteCommandOnRemoteClient workflow on the clone destination client. For more information, see Downloading, Deploying, and Updating Workflows from Commvault Store.


  • On the clone destination client, create a script that performs the following operations:

    1. Uses the qlogin command to log on to the CommServe computer.

    2. Calls the ExecuteCommandOnRemoteClient workflow by using the execute_workflow xml script. For more information, see Executing a Workflow.

    3. Uses the qlogout command to log off of the CommServe computer.


You have a script that you can run when you create an Oracle clone that masks the data.

What to Do Next

After you create and save the script, specify the path to the script in the Post Recovery Command box on the Pre/Post tab of the Restore Options dialog box.


The following script runs the ExecuteCommandOnRemoteClient workflow. In this example, the parameters are listed on the command line.

/opt/commvaultxx/Base/qlogin -cs <> -u xyz -clp *****
 /opt/commvaultxx/Base/qoperation execute -af /<path>/execute_workflow.xml -associations/clientname <worflow_engine> -workflowName ExecuteCommandOnRemoteClient -workflowJobOptions "<inputs><client> <clone_destination_client></client><command>/<path>/<masking_script.sql></command></inputs>" 

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