Creating an Additional CommCell Group for Reports


The CommCell group administrator can create additional CommCell groups on the Web Console or the Cloud Services Portal, and then view a dashboard and reports for that group of CommCell computers.


  1. Log on to the Web Console or the Cloud Services Portal.

  2. Click Reports.

    The Reports page appears.

  3. From the navigation pane, click CommCell groups.

    The CommCell groups page appears.

  4. In the upper-right area of the page, click New CommCell group.

    The Add CommCell group page appears.

  5. From the Name list, select a prefix, and then enter a name for the CommCell group.

  6. On the CommCells tab, under Associate to CommCell Group, select the check box in the row for the CommServe computer you want to add to the CommCell group.

  7. On the Users tab, click Add User, and then enter the User Name and Email Address.

  8. Click Add, and then click Save.


Creating the additional CommCell group might take some time. When the CommCell group is created and ready for you to use, you will receive a confirmation email.

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