

Use this tab to add, modify or view the data protection or discovery filter on the selected subclient or Replication Set. Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the agent for which the information is being displayed.

Include Policy Filters

Specifies whether Subclient Policy filters will be used for this subclient, and is applicable only for subclients associated to a Subclient Policy. Selecting this option will cause this subclient to inherit the filter specified in the associated Subclient Policy. Clearing this option overrides the use of Subclient Policy filters on this subclient. See Subclient Policy - Filtering Rules for more information.

Include CommCell Level Global Filters / Global Filter

Specifies whether filters set under Control Panel (Global Filters) will be used in addition to the filters set at the subclient level to exclude data from data protection operations for this subclient.

Include Global Filters

Displays a list of options for enabling or disabling Global Filters which can be used in addition to the filters set at the subclient level to exclude data from data protection operations for this subclient. To change the setting, select one of the following values from the list:

  • OFF - Disables Global Filters for this subclient.

  • ON - Enables Global Filters for this subclient.

  • Use Cell Level Policy - Enables or disables Global Filters for this subclient depending on whether the Use Global Filters on All Subclients option is enabled or disabled on the Control Panel (Global Filters) dialog. If the Use Global Filters on All Subclients option is enabled, then the Use Cell Level Policy will enable Global Filters on this subclient. If the Use Global Filters on All Subclients option is disabled, then will disable Global Filters on this subclient.

Exclude these files/folders/directories/patterns/containers/objects

Displays entries that will be excluded from data protection operations for this subclient or Replication Set.

Regular Expressions

Provided below are details regarding support for the use of regular expressions (or wildcard characters) when adding entries to this exclusion list:

  • Exchange Public Folder, Exchange Public Folder Archiver, and SharePoint Document do not support the use of wildcards when adding entries to this set of exclusions.

  • File Share Archiver - If a disk mount path is pointing to a filer share that will be archived, do not include UNC paths in the subclient content. UNC paths cannot be manually filtered out.

  • For information on filtering content for NDMP agents, see Filter Guidelines.

  • For the Windows, Unix, File Archiver Agents, and ContinuousDataReplicator Agents, see Wildcards for the Windows File System Agent and Wildcards for the UNIX/Linux File System Agent.

System State Filters

Following is a list of acceptable exclusion filters for Windows File System System State:

Critical Components

Critical components are components that are essential and necessary for the operating system to come back after the restore of the system state.

If a critical component fails during the backup of the system state, the backup job fails with an error code because the backup data is not sufficient for a restore of the operating system.

  • {Cluster Database}

  • {Registry}

  • {System Info Archive}

  • {System Protected Files}

  • {System Volume}

  • {One touch files}

  • {Offline files}

Non-Critical Components

Non-Critical components are components that are part of system state but are not essential for the operating system to come back alive after the restore of system state.

If a non-critical component fails during the backup of system state, the backup job completes with an error code as the backed up data is sufficient for a restore of the operating system. However, the non-critical components do not get restored.

  • {BITS service}

  • {Certificate services}

  • {COM+ database}

  • {Content indexing catalogs}

  • {DDR explicit content}

  • {DFS replication services}

  • {DHCP}

  • {Disk quotas}

  • {Event logs}

  • {File Server Resource Manager} (FSRM)

  • {IIS}

  • {Metadata}

  • {NPS database}

  • {Remote storage database}

  • {RSM}

  • {Terminal service licensing}

  • {UDDI database}

  • {WMI database}

  • {WINS}

For more information on system state, see Microsoft Articles on Backing Up and Restoring System State, Microsoft Backing Up and Restoring System State in Windows Server 2003 R2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and Backing Up and Restoring the Failover Cluster Configuration Using VSS.

Exclude the following mailboxes/folders

Displays mailboxes or folders that will be excluded from data protection operations for this subclient. Wildcards are not supported when adding entries to this exclusion list.

Exclude the folders that contain the following patterns

Displays mailbox folder name wildcard patterns that will be excluded from data protection operations for this subclient. Exchange Compliance Archiver Agent supports the use of wildcard expressions when you add entries to this exclusion list. See Wildcards for more information.

The following paths and files are excluded

Displays entries that will be excluded from discovery operations for this subclient. The Lotus Notes Database, Domino Mailbox Archiver, and Lotus Notes Document iDataAgents support the use of wildcard expressions when adding entries to this exclusion list. See Wildcards for more information.

Pattern/path to be excluded

Use this space to enter the path of a folder or file that you want to exclude from discovery operations for this subclient. The path must start with a (\), and it must be relative to the data path of the partition. The Lotus Notes Database, Domino Mailbox Archiver, and Lotus Notes Document iDataAgents support the use of wildcard expressions when adding entries to this exclusion list. See Wildcards for more information.

Except for these files/folders/directories/containers/objects

Displays entries that will be included in data protection operations for this subclient or Replication Set in cases where a parent object is listed in the Exclude filter.

Provided below are details regarding adding entries to this exceptions list:

  • For NAS NDMP iDataAgents, only file names or folder names are valid entries when adding entries to this set of exceptions; paths are not supported.

Include these files/folders/patterns with every archive

Displays entries that will be included in archive operations for this subclient in cases where a parent object is listed in the Exclude filter. Note that File Archiver Agents do not support the use of regular expressions (or wildcard characters) when adding entries to this inclusions list.

  • File Share Archiver - If a disk mount path is pointing to a filer share that will be archived, do not include UNC paths in the subclient content. UNC paths cannot be manually filtered out.


Click to manually add an entry to be included in, or excluded from, data protection operations for this subclient or Replication Set.


Click to browse for an entry to be included in, or excluded from, data protection operations for this subclient or Replication Set.


Click to manually edit an entry to be included in, or excluded from, data protection operations for this subclient.


Click to delete a selected filter entry.

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