Can I stop automatic delivery of updates from the access node to my IBM i File System Agent client?
Yes. You can block updates delivery to an IBM i File System Agent client by configuring the blockUpdate additional setting on the access node. By default, updates are pushed automatically during the next communication session between the access node and the IBM i File System Agent client.
To the client, add the additional setting as shown in the following table.
For instructions on how to add additional settings from the CommCell Console, see Add or Modify an Additional Setting.
Can I back up IBM i File System Agent security information and system configuration data?
Yes. When you run a backup of the default subclient or custom subclient with predefined backup item Security Objects and Configuration Objects are selected. You can see the IBM i File System security information and system configuration data in the Browse and Restore window with the following node names:
<System Security>
<System Configuration>
<System Security> |
The System Security folder will show a list of user profiles along with a specific file - *ALL - Security Attributes. You can restore a single or multiple user profiles. You can restore all of the security attributes (user profiles and authorization lists) by selecting the file - *ALL - Security Attributes. When you restore a <System Security> folder, all of the security information will be restored. The Restore Authority (RSTAUT) command automatically runs at the end of the restore job when user profiles are restored. Using the save file generated by the <System Security> objects restore job, you can restore all the user profiles, authorization lists and authority holders from the command line : From a valid IBM console, type the following command: CVLIB/CVRSTSECD SAVF(CVLIBOBJ/ALLUSRPRF) SAVFDEL(*YES) SBSSTART(*YES) SECDTA(*USRPRF) where CVLIBOBJ/ALLUSRPRF is the save file name generated by the <System Security> objects restore job on the IBM i File System Agent client. You can use any of the following values for the SECDTA parameter:
<System Configuration> |
The System Configuration folder will show a list of configuration objects along with a specific file - *ALL - Configuration. You can restore a single or multiple configuration objects. You can restore all of the configuration objects by selecting the file - *ALL - Configuration. The Restore Configuration (RSTCFG) command is used with options OBJ(*ALL) OBJTYPE(*ALL) SRM(*NONE), where
Why did an object I deleted still show up in the browse operation after an incremental backup job?
If you delete an object and run an incremental backup job, and if no other object is selected for the actual backup job, the deleted object will not be immediately processed. The deleted object is processed the next time you run a backup job and there are objects to back up.
How do I run the Commvault services on a different subsystem?
You can specify the subsystem when you install the IBM i File System Agent . The default subsystem is QSERVER.
To change the subsystem that the Commvault jobs run, type the following on the command line
CVLIB/CVCHGJOBA SBSD(<Subsystem_Library>/<Subsystem_Description>) JOBQ(<Job_Queue_Library>/<Job_Queue>)
Example of how to make Commvault jobs run on the QCTL subsystem with the default jobq
Example of how to make Commvault jobs run on the QCTL subsystem with a new jobq
Note: This creates a jobq that is called "QBATCH" in the Commvault library CVLIBOBJ.
Example of how to make Commvault jobs run on the QCTL subsystem with a non-default jobq
Note: This jobq must already exists and be attached to the subsystem.
CVLIB/CVCHGJOBA SBSD(QCTL) JOBQ(QGPL/ABCDJOBQ)You can specify the subsystem when you install the IBM i File System Agent . The default subsystem is QSERVER.
To change the subsystem that the Commvault jobs run, type the following on the command line
CVLIB/CVCHGJOBA SBSD(<Subsystem_Library>/<Subsystem_Description>) JOBQ(<Job_Queue_Library>/<Job_Queue>)
Example of how to make Commvault jobs run on the QCTL subsystem with the default jobq
Example of how to make Commvault jobs run on the QCTL subsystem with a new jobq
Note: This creates a jobq that is called "QBATCH" in the Commvault library CVLIBOBJ.
Example of how to make Commvault jobs run on the QCTL subsystem with a non-default jobq
Note: This jobq must already exists and be attached to the subsystem.
How can I change the job priority of the Commvault processes?
Type the following command to change the job priority of the Commvault jobs. The job priority are between 1-9 with 1 as the highest.
Example of how to change the job priority of Commvault jobs to 3
How can I change the job run priority of the Commvault processes or limit the CPU Utilization of Commvault jobs?
Type the following command to change the run priority of the Commvault jobs. The job priority are between 1-99 with 1 as the highest.
Example of how to change the run priority of Commvault jobs to 30
How do I change the user profile that runs the Commvault services?
You must uninstall the Commvault services and then reinstall the Commvault services with the desired user profile.
How do I verify that the Commvault services are running on the IBM i File System Agent client?
Run the following command on the IBM i File System Agent client command line:
How do I start the Commvault Services on an IBM i File System Agent machine?
To start the Commvault services, on the command line, type the following command:
How do I stop the Commvault Services on an IBM i File System Agent machine?
To stop the Commvault services, on the command line, type the following command:
How do I restart the Commvault Services on an IBM i File System Agent machine?
To restart the Commvault services, on the command line, type the following command:
How do I uninstall the Commvault Services on an IBM i File System Agent machine?
If you plan to reinstall the client without removing the job result directory from the IBM i client, then you must use the “COMMVAULT TASK(UNINSTALL) RMVJRDIR(*NO)” command, that removes all the components except the job results directory.
This operation uninstalls the services, but does not delete the client from the CommCell Console.
To uninstall the Commvault services, on the command line, type the following command:
How do I go to the Commvault Services job results directory on an IBM i File System Agent client?
To go to the Commvault services job results directory, on the command line, type the following command:
How do I go to the logs directory that is related to the Commvault services?
To go to the logs directory that is related to the Commvault services, on the command line, type the following command:
How do I go to the configuration that is related to the Commvault services?
To go to the configuration that is related to the Commvault services, on the command line, type the following command:
How do I check all the active Commvault jobs running on IBM i machine?
To check all the active Commvault jobs running on IBMi machine, on the command line, type the following command:
FAQ - Can the Commvault Software Protect DB2 files on IBM i?
The Commvault software backs up the physical files (PF) and logical files (LF). If the DB2 files for a single application are distributed in multiple libraries, use the SYNCLIB option on the Save While Active tab of the Subclient Properties dialog box.
When the logical files and physical files are in different libraries, you must restore the physical files before you restore the logical files, or use the DFRID advance restore option. For more information, see Performing an IBM i File System Agent Restore to a New Library, Directory or Folder.
How can I perform an incremental backup after a full backup has run on a flash-copied machine?
To perform an incremental backup on the live IBM i client machine after a full backup has run on a flash-copied IBM i machine, set the nUseMaxFileCTimeAsRefTime software parameter on the IBM i client machine.
The objects that changed on the live IBM i client machine after the flash copy operation and before the Commvault full backup operation starts, are picked in the next incremental and differential backups based on the ctime of the last changed object of the library, directory, or folder.
Only support or admin should perform this procedure.
The "COMMVAULT CONFIG" command is included in the IBM i File System Agent client installation. You can use this command to configure the Commvault software parameters to work with the IBM i File System Agent file system.
On the IBM i File System Agent host, from the 5520 terminal, run the command COMMVAULT CONFIG.
On the initial screen select the IDA option (2) to set the properties.
Set the nUseMaxFileCTimeAsRefTime software parameter to 1.
Type q to return to the previous menu and then exit the program.
Do I need to configure anything on the IBM i client after upgrading the client operating system?
If the Commvault services are configured to run in any of the IBM shipped subsystems before the operating system upgrade, the subsystem descriptions might change to shipped values and the Commvault configuration associated with the subsystem description might be lost or corrupted. In such cases, Commvault services might fail to start on the IBM i client.
To fix the configuration associated with the subsystem where the Commvault jobs run, run the following command on the command line:
CVLIB/CVCHGJOBA SBSD(subsystem_library/subsystem_description) JOBQ(job_queue_library/job_queue)
For example, if the services fail to start after upgrading the operating system, to set the subsystem configuration components with the default subsystem QSERVER, run the following command:
How can I back up and restore the objects that contain a "/" in the object name?
To back up objects that contain a forward slash ("/") in the name, use optimized scan. To restore such objects, restore the entire library, and select the Unconditional Overwrite option if the destination library contains an object with the same name.
How can I restore all user data from one IBM i client to another IBM i client that has the operating system installed?
To restore user data in an IBM recommended sequence, use the Full Data Recovery option at the backup set level. For more information, see Performing an IBM i File System Agent Full Data Restore Operation.
Why do the sizes of libraries or objects appear larger when browsing the content of an optimized scan backup?
Optimized Scan does not collect statistics on individual objects within libraries. It uses the size reported by the save command/API. Therefore, a content browse might display a different library size than the actual size on the IBM i client machine.