IBM i File System Agent Subclient Properties (Content)


Use this dialog box to configure the data that you want to include in the IBM i File System Agent backup.

Subclient content

Select this option when you want to include pre-defined data in the backup. You can select one or more of the following options:

  • Security objects

    Include the following security objects in the backup:

    • User profiles

    • Authorization lists

    • Authority holders

  • Configuration objects

    Include the following configuration objects in the backup:

    • Line descriptions

    • Controller descriptions

    • Device descriptions

    • Mode descriptions

    • Network interface descriptions

    • Class-of-service descriptions

    • Network server descriptions

    • NetBIOS descriptions

    • Connection lists

    • Configuration lists

    • Token-ring adaptor data

    • Hardware resource data

  • *IBM

    Include the IBM supplied libraries in the backup. All libraries that have names that begin with the letter Q and #CGULIB, #DSULIB, #SEULIB, #COBLIB, #RPGLIB, #DFULIB, #SDALIB will be saved. The libraries that begin with the letter Q and that contain user data and those libraries will be omitted from this backup item. Check the IBM webpage for the list of user libraries that begin with letter Q.


    Include all the user libraries in the backup. All libraries that have names that do not begin with the letter Q will be saved except #CGULIB, #DSULIB, #SEULIB, #COBLIB, #RPGLIB, #DFULIB, #SDALIB. The libraries that begin with letter Q and that contain user data will also part of this backup item. Check the IBM webpage for the list of user libraries that begin with letter Q.


    If you select this option, the user ID must be enrolled in the QDLS.

    Include the documents, folders, and distribution objects in the backup.

  • *LINK

    Include the system and user directories and the user objects that are contained in the directories.

  • History logs

    This includes the IBM i log files QSYS/QHST*.


The default subclient backs up the pre-defined backup items in the list.

Custom subclient content

Select this option to add directories, folders, and files to the backup content.

You can use wildcards to define content for a subclient. For a list of supported wildcards, see Supported Wildcards for the IBM i File System Agent Agent.

Backup Library content(s) as objects


Only select this option if the objects in the library do not need consistency and there are not dependent objects.

Select this option to back up the library content as objects. When you select this option, the software can use multiple streams for a single library backup.

This option does not save attributes of library.


If the file or directory name that you want to add to the content contains a wildcard character, you must add an escape ("\") before the wildcard character.

The Network File System (NFS) is not included in the backup. You must manually add the directory.

Both libraries and objects

When a symbolic link is included in the subclient content, the software displays the target of the symbolic link and the link.

For information on the SAVACT options, see the IBM manual. The Commvault software does not support the *SYSDFN option.

The backups include the libraries and objects that are included in the subclient content.

You can back up all IASP libraries by configuring a custom content path that is similar to β€œ/<IASP_Name>/QSYS.LIB”.

You can back up any IASP directories by configuring a custom content path that is similar to β€œ/<IASP_Name>/<Dir_Name>”.

When a symbolic link is included in the subclient content, the target of the symbolic link is displayed in addition to the link.

  • Delete

    Click to delete the selected path/data/folder from the Contents list for this subclient.

  • Browse

    Browse for new content that you want to add to this subclient.

  • Add Paths

    Enter the paths to the content that you want to include in the backup.

    You must enter the path in the UNIX format.

    Each directory must be on a new line.

  • Edit Paths

    Edit existing content paths.

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