Oracle Archive - Add Virtual Key (Online Help)


Add a virtual foreign key relationship so that you can cross-reference table. You create virtual foreign keys on a child table that link back to the parent table.

The column in both the parent and child table must follow these rules:

  • Numbers must be the same size and sign (for example positive).

  • String arrays do not need match in length.

  • Character arrays must use the same character sets.

Multiple relationships can be added or removed with the Add and Delete buttons. Changes do not take effect until you click the OK button.

Table Name

The parent table name for the selected table in the Content tab of the Subclient Properties dialog box.

Dependent Table Name

A list of all the dependent (child) tables for the selected table.

Foreign Key

Use this key to define the relationship between the tables. The following are available:






This box lists all the columns contained in the Dependent (child) table.


This box lists all the columns contained in the Table (parent) table.


Click this button to add the relationship between the selected Columns. Changes do not take effect until you click the OK button.


Select a Foreign Key from the Existing Foreign Keys box and click this button to remove the relationship. Changes do not take effect until you click the OK button.

Existing Foreign Keys

This box lists all foreign key relationships that exist. Select the Virtual check box to add a virtual foreign key.

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