Remote CommCell Properties - Online Help



Use this dialog box to view the registered CommCell® information.

  • Remote CommCell Details

    • CommCell Host Name

      Displays the host name (fully qualified domain name) of the registered CommCell.

    • CommCell Client Name

      Displays the client name of the registered CommCell.

    • CommCell Number

      Displays the CommCell ID number (hexadecimal value).

  • Re-Register CommCell

    Click to re-register the source CommCell with appropriate CommCell name.

  • Check Connectivity

    Click to verify the connectivity and the status (such as available or offline) of the registered CommCell.

Monitored Entities

Use this dialog box to select the appropriate clients, agents, backupsets, or subclients that are on the PodCell for import

  • Reload CommCell Tree

    When clicked, any new clients, agents, backupsets, or subclients available on the PodCell appears.

Client Groups and Prefixes

Use this dialog box to select the client group for imported clients and set prefixes for entities (such as Storage Policy, Schedule Policy, and so on).

Please select the client group to which all imported clients will be associated

  • Use the following client group

    Choose this option to associate all the imported clients to a client group.

    Client group

    Select or enter the client group name in the list.

  • Do not associate to any client group

    Choose this option if you do not want to associate clients to a client group.

Set prefixes

  • Do not prefix imported entities

    Choose this option if you do not want to prefix to imported entities.

  • Use following suffix if local entity of same name already exists

    Choose this option to prefix only those imported entities that have the same name on source CommCell and destination CommCell.

  • Always add the following prefix to imported entities

    Choose this option to always prefix the imported entities.

    • Prefix

      Specify the name for a prefix.

Library Mapping

Use this dialog box to configure MediaAgents on the destination CommCell or edit the destination Mount Paths if required.

  • Source Library

    Displays the Source Library which is being migrated from the PodCell.

  • Destination MediaAgent

    Select the MediaAgent to be associated with the library on the destination CommCell which is currently being imported.

  • Mount Path

    Select the Mount Path of the source library for migration.

  • Location

    Specify the location on a destination MediaAgent that allows you to access the imported Mount Path.

  • Credentials

    Specifies the Username/Password to access the Mount Path if the Mount Path is hosted on a Network location.

  • Prune Allowed

    Select the check box to prune the data on the Mount Path after the migration is complete.

    Contact your Software provider to have this option enabled.

  • Select MediaAgent For Index Restore

    Select the MediaAgent from the destination CommCell.

    Once specified the MediaAgent access the index from the imported library and stores in the index cache folder. This is useful for restore operation.

  • Edit Location

    Click to specify the location to access the imported library.

    Edit Location is highlighted when a MediaAgent is selected under the Destination MediaAgent column.

    For more information, refer to Restore Data from Imported Clients.

Push Back

Use this dialog box to push the CommCell configuration settings from the destination CommCell to the PodCell.

  • Pushback Configuration

    Select this check box to push the CommCell configuration setting from the destination CommCell to the PodCell. This allows pushing the Alerts, Schedule Policies, and other configuration created at destination CommCell to the PodCell.

Schedule Pattern

Use this dialog box to setup the monitor schedule.

  • Schedule Name

    Type a name for the schedule in the Schedule Name box.

  • Start Time

    Specify the schedule start time.

  • Every

    Select the number of days for which you want to run the job repeatedly.

  • Exceptions

    Click to define weekday occurrences or days of the month which you want to exclude from the schedule.

  • Repeat Every

    Select the check box to repeat the schedule, select the check box.
    Select the values for hr(s), min(s), until
    Click one of the following Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.