Setting Up a Data Interface Pair Between Two Clients


You can set up a data interface pair (DIP), also called network pairs, between two client computers, either from the Control Panel or from the client's Properties dialog box. You can set up DIPs using IPv4 or IPv6 network interfaces.


In this context, a client can be any computer running Commvault software, including a MediaAgent or a CommServe host.

Setting Up a DIP Between Two Clients From the Control Panel

  1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, click Control Panel.

    The Control Panel window appears.

  2. Click Data > Backup Networks.

    The welcome page of the Backup Network Wizard appears.

  3. Click Next.

  4. In the Select 1st Computer list and in the Select 2nd Computer list, select two client computers for which you want to define network pairs, and then click Next.

    The wizard shows any defined network pairs that already exist between those two computers.

  5. If the pair you need is not already shown, click Add, select one interface for each host, and then click Next.


    • If you do not find the network interface you are looking for in the list, you can type its name or IP address.

    • With remote computers, the network interface you specify for a host must be visible to the other host.

  6. Review the state of the defined pairs, select a pair to make active, and then click Finish.


    Each client can have only one DIP defined and active at one time between itself and the other client in the pair. If more than one DIP is defined and active (indicated by a check in the Status column), the pair added most recently is used. To ensure that the pair you want is used, deselect all other pairs between the client you are configuring and the other client.

  7. To verify that the interface pair has been properly set up between the two clients, you can check the network configuration of one of the clients by performing the following:

    1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to one of the paired clients.

    2. Right-click the client, and then click Properties.

    3. Click Network, and then click the Summary tab.

    4. In the section named [outgoing], which shows outgoing network routes from that host, find the entry showing the two clients, with their respective interface names. For example, if you created an interface pair between ida34vm3 and ida34vm1_2, the entry for ida34vm3 will have the following layout:

      IPv4: ida34vm3 ida34vm1_2 type=dip local_iface= remote_iface=

      IPv6: ida34vm3 ida34vm1_2 type=dip remote_iface=fd01:1111:24:32:592c:2123:666d:973f local_iface=fd01:1111:24:32:c5e8:f72a:f1d8:f7e9


      • local_iface indicates the network interface that ida34vm3 will use to communicate with ida34vm1_2 on that host's remote_iface

      • type=dip parameter indicates a data interface pair route.

      The following shows an example firewall configuration summary for a server named rentacs, with a DIP connection to another server named servertest2_32bit:

      Getting Started - Setting up a DIP Between Two Clients (1)


      When firewall is configured with DIPs, the route type will show the type of firewall configured. For example:

      Getting Started - Setting up a DIP Between Two Clients (2)

  8. Push the network configuration to each host computer in the pair (right-click the computer, point to All Tasks, and then click Push Network Configuration).

Setting Up a DIP Between Two Clients From the Client Properties

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to one of the two client computers you are connecting.

  2. Right-click the client, and then click Properties.

  3. Click Advanced, and then click the Job Configuration tab.

  4. In the Data Interface Pairs area, click Add.

    The Data Interface Pairs wizard appears, and the Select 1st Computer field is populated automatically.

  5. Click Select 2nd Computer, select a client name, and then click Next.

  6. If the pair you need is not already shown, click Add, select one interface for each host, and then click Next.


    • If you do not find the network interface you are looking for in the list, you can type its name or IP address.

    • With remote computers, the network interface you specify for a host must be visible to the other host.

  7. Review the state of currently defined pairs, select the pair to make active, and then click Next.


    Each client can have only one DIP defined and active at one time between itself and the other client in the pair. If more than one DIP is defined and active (indicated by a check in the Status column), only the pair added most recently is used. To ensure that the pair you want is used, deselect all other pairs between the client you are configuring and the other client.

  8. Click Finish to create the new data interface pair, and then click OK twice.

  9. To verify that the interface pair has been properly set up between the two clients, check the network configuration of one of the clients by doing the following:

    1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to one of the paired clients.

    2. Right-click the client > Properties.

    3. Click Network, and then click the Summary tab.

    4. The section named [outgoing] shows outgoing network routes for that host. Find the entry showing the two clients, with their respective interface names. For example, if you created an interface pair between ida34vm3 and ida34vm1_2, the entry for ida34vm3 will have the following layout:

      IPv4: ida34vm3 ida34vm1_2 type=dip local_iface= remote_iface=

      IPv6: ida34vm3 ida34vm1_2 type=dip remote_iface=fd01:1111:24:32:592c:2123:666d:973f local_iface=fd01:1111:24:32:c5e8:f72a:f1d8:f7e9


      • local_iface indicates the network interface that ida34vm3 will use to communicate with ida34vm1_2 on that host's remote_iface

      • type=dip parameter indicates a data interface pair route.