SNMP Trap Examples

The following examples are for SNMP version 3.

Example: Alert Notification for an SNMP Trap from a Receiver

This example alert notification sends all varbinds for the SNMP trap. For instructions about sending all varbinds, see Sending All SNMP Trap Varbinds.

SNMP Trap Example (1)

The header in the preceding example is the Management Information Base (MIB). The MIB file is automatically installed when the SNMP Enabler is installed and is located at software_installation_path\MIB\cvsnmp.mib. The MIB contains the following fields:

  • Source: The address of the agent generating the trap.

  • Trap OID: The first part of the Trap OID is the vendor’s identification number of the network management system contained in the entity. In the preceding example, this number is the enterprise identification number. The last two digits of the Trap OID indicate products and the software, respectively.

  • Timestamp: The time in hundredths of a second since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized.

  • SNMP Version: The SNMP version and the engine ID.

The body in the preceding example is the varbind information:

  • Name: The name of the varbind.

  • Value: The value returned for the varbind.

    For a list of possible object types, see Varbind OID Object Types.

Example: Successful Response for an SNMP Trap

The following is an example for a successful SNMP trap response.

Evmgrs log at debug level 10: 17412 480c 10/29 10:00:55 ### sendExtSnmpTrapAlert() - SNMPV3 alert sent. SentAlerts.log: 17412 480c 10/29 10:01:16 --- SNMP() - simpanaAlertType: Data Aging - Job Succeeded simpanaWhenString: Thu, 29 Oct 2020 10:01:13 India Standard Time simpanaUserName: Administrator simpanaCommCell: JBWINTEST4 simpanaClient: Not Applicable simpanaAppType: Not Applicable simpanaInstance: Not Applicable simpanaBackupSet: Not Applicable simpanaSubClient: Not Applicable simpanaJobId: 2795453 simpanaLibrary: Not Applicable simpanaMediaName: Not Applicable simpanaStoragePolicy: Not Applicable simpanaAlertMsg: Detected Criteria: Job Succeeded , Status: Succeeded , Job ID: 2795453 , Start Time: Thu Oct 29 10:00:02 2020 , Scheduled Time: Thu Oct 29 09:59:57 2020 , End Time: Thu Oct 29 10:00:35 2020 , Error Code: Not Applicable , Failure Reason: Not Applicable version: V3 destination:
