Systems Requirements for Azure NetApp Files


Before you configure this solution, verify that your environment meets the following requirements.


  • NFSv4.1

  • NFSv3

    SAP HANA requires the NFSv4.1 protocol according to Microsoft and SAP requirements.


Ensure that the managed identities for Azure resources service is running.

Operating System


  • For backup copy operations, only a Linux Intellisnap proxy is supported for SAP HANA on Azure NetApp files.

  • Nested mount points are not supported for Azure NetApp Files

SAP HANA 2.0 SPS01 and More Recent Releases

Commvault supports SAP HANA 2.0 SPS07 with following exceptions:

  • When database/backup encryption is not enabled for the HANA SID.

  • When you enable encryption for the HANA SID, consider the following:

    • You should ask your SAP HANA database administrator to copy the required encryption keys to the destination computer before performing the restore operation. Commvault does not backup or manage the encryption keys.

    • To perform an in-place restore, verify that the encryption key is same between backup and restore.

    • To perform an out-of-place restore (database copy), copy the source key to the target SID before restoring the data. It is not needed to copy the encryption keys for subsequent restores unless the key on the source has changed.

Operating system

Processor architecture

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x with glibc 2.34.x

For SAP HANA for IntelliSnap, supported only on Commvault Platform Release 2023E and more recent releases.

  • x64

  • PowerPC (little endian)

  • Compatible processors

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x

For x64 processors, supported only on SPS04 or more recent versions.

  • x64

  • PowerPC (little endian)

  • Compatible processors

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x

For PowerPC (little endian) processors, supported only on SPS02 or more recent versions.

  • x64

  • PowerPC (little endian)

  • Compatible processors

SuSE Linux 15 (Initial Release/SP1 and later SPs) with glibc 2.26.x and higher

  • x64

  • PowerPC

  • Compatible processors

SuSE Linux 12 (Initial Release/SP1 and later SPs) with glibc 2.19.x or a more recent version

  • x64

  • PowerPC (little endian)

  • Compatible processors

SAP HANA 1.0 SPS09, SPS10, SPS11, SPS12

Operating system

Processor architecture

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x

  • PowerPC (little endian)

  • x64

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 with glibc 2.12.x


SuSE Linux 12 (Initial Release/SP1 and later SPs) with glibc 2.19.x or a more recent version


SuSE Linux 11 (Initial Release/SP1 and later SPs) with glibc 2.9.x and higher


SuSE Linux 11 SP4 Enterprise Server

Download and install the mandatory patches from the SuSE site.

  • PowerPC

  • PowerPC (little endian)